Chapter 2

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"What the hell were you thinking? You could have been killed! Do you know what kind of stress you've put your mother under? Especially when we couldn't get a hold of you and Peter couldn't find you at the scene. We didn't know what to think!" My father yelled in rapid Italian. He was so loud that I actually had to pull the phone away from my ear. 

"I'm sorry I worried you both but when I saw the smoke coming from the cars, I knew I couldn't just let Peter drive past. I couldn't just let that woman die." I said back in Italian, pacing the hallway.

"That's what the police and the fire department are for! You didn't have to go gallivanting in to save some woman when there are people who are paid to do that! You are sole heir to the Andretti dynasty; I can't have you running around playing super hero putting yourself at risk! Do want to end up like Gio?" my father snarled harshly.

'Bring on the guilt trip.' I thought to myself, rolling my eyes as I took a seat in one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs that had been my home for the last 8 hours. My parents always managed to make me fall in line by bringing up my deceased older, Giovanni, who died when he was 23 saving some pregnant woman from being robbed. I was 12, when it happened and even now, 13 years later, at 25 it still hurts the same way it did then. They like to bring up Gio when they wanted me to do something or not do something, depending on the situation.

They were upset because like my brother, I didn't want to live the life of a spoiled rich kid. I didn't want to just sit around living on my dad's money. When he didn't have me looked in the office and running around the globe closing deals for him, I loved to volunteer. I loved kids and so whenever I could I liked to volunteer for various programs where I could work with them.

It was hard living a double life. The one where the world and my parents wanted to see, the shrewd business man, the rich playboy and the one where I was who I actually wanted to be: just Kaiden. The sound of my dad screeching in the phone brought me back out of my thoughts "Kaiden are you even listening to me?" he asked this time in English. 

"Yes father I'm listening. I hear what you are saying and I understand both you and mama's concern but I couldn't just let her die." I say again stressing the last part again so he would finally understand what I was saying. 

"Maria talk to your son please. Speak some reason into him since he apparently wont listen to mine." I heard my father say before a bunch of shuffling and my mother's soft voice come across the line.

"Kaiden why won't you listen to your poor father? He drives himself sick with worry over you. He only wants what's best for you. Are you hurt anywhere? Have you been checked out?" she asked me, concern dripping over the line. 

"Yes mama they checked me. I'm fine, no smoke inhalation, no cuts, no bruises, nothing. The woman I saved, isn't doing too good though." I said trying to trigger her maternal instincts and draw her concern and worry to someone else other than me. My plan worked hook line and sinker.

"Is she okay?" my mother asked. 

"Well since I'm not related to her or her husband they won't tell me much. But one of the nurses took pity on me since her family isn't here yet and gave me an update not too long ago. She has a concussion, a cut that required 5 stitches on her temple, a broken arm, a deeply bruised hip, bruised ribs and other tiny scraps as well as mild smoke inhalation. But nothing extremely life threatening." I say watching as three people rushed past me to the nurse's station. 

"Well that's good son I'm glad you were able to save her. I'm sorry about your father's yelling but we don't want you to end up like Gio, joining the father in the afterlife before you can really experience life. We want you to be safe and you can't do that if your constantly pulling people out of the fire." My mother said softly.

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