Chapter 30

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I couldn't stop fidgeting in my seat. I tried to stop moving around but the nerves made it difficult. I looked around me at the various faces sitting in the office with me, women who were in various stages of pregnancy or with babies and small children. I didn't want to be here. All I wanted to do was go home and curl up under my blanket and cry, but Trinity refused to allow me to do that. 

She all but dragged me out of the bed and pretty much told me if I didn't go get checked out, she was going to kick my ass and never speak to me again. she also got Cassie involved who not only said the same thing but she also threatened to tell my brother too They bugged me about it to the point where I thought I would go out of my mind, so I finally gave in and made my appointment.

A nurse not too much older than myself came around the corner and called my name. I quickly gathered my things and followed her to avoid being recognized by anyone out there. The last thing I needed was someone alerting the media to all of this before I had a chance to tell my family, let alone Kaiden. "Hi Melodi, my name is Jeanie, I'm the nurse for Dr. Kennedy. Can you do me a favor and just confirm your last name and date of birth?" she asked as I walked beside her further into the clinic. 

"Nice to meet you Jeanie. My last name is Gray and my date of birth is 10/31/1993." I say as she leads me to a mini triage area. 

"Perfect. Now it says here your reason for visiting us today is you suspect you're pregnant?" she asked me as she motioned for me to sit down. I couldn't make myself say anything so, I decided to just nod. "Don't worry hon. Plenty of first timers are nervous." Jeanie said with a soft smile before continuing "Now I'm going to go ahead and take your vitals as well as get the lab to take blood and run a urine sample for you before I set you up in your room." She said.

It took 15 minutes for her to finish collecting my vitals, my blood to be drawn and to give the urine sample before she set me up in a room. "Okay Melodi, I need you to change out of your clothes into this gown and sit on the table. Dr. Kennedy will be in in a few moments." Jeanie said placing the off grey hospital gown on the chair, before pulling the paper sheet down over the bed and leaving the room, closing the door behind her. I let out the breath I had been holding in since she took my vitals. I made quick work changing out of my clothes and hoping on the table. Sitting there alone waiting on the doctor gave my mind time to wander. 'I wish he was here with me. That would make this so much easier.' I thought to myself, trying to fight back the tears that flooded my eyes.

A small knock sounded on the door as I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. "Come in." I called out, trying to clear away the tears. 

"Melodi? Hi I'm Dr. Kennedy. How are you doing this morning?" She said coming in, rubbing her hands together and shutting the door behind her. Dr. Kennedy was a tall, slender woman who looked she was in her late 30's and like she belonged on a runway somewhere rather than working as an OBGYN. 

"I'm doing okay. I could be better." I said honestly which surprised me. 

"What seems to be the problem?" she asked while pulling the stool up next to me and took a seat, pulling my chart from the counter and setting it on her lap. 

"Well other than my boyfriend cheated on me with his ex, I recently took a home pregnancy test and it came back positive. That's why I'm here today." I'm honestly surprised at how open I was being with this virtual stranger. I didn't know this woman from jump, but something about her made me feel comfortable and safe. I felt the need to want to talk to her more than I've wanted to talk to anyone in past couple of weeks.

"Men, I swear they are only useful for one thing. and half the time they can't even get that right." she said shaking her head, causing me to laugh. 

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