Chapter 36

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Everything about being back in the city put me on edge. Jason said that it was necessary for us to come back, that he was so close to catching Anthony. That we would be safe again. Deep down I knew that wasn't the case. I had met the woman he was currently stalking and knew that she hadn't seen the worst of what he was capable of. I was hoping she never would. I felt my baby girl kicking up a storm as I finished loading up the last of the groceries into the car. 

The officer that was in charge of being my security detail was hovering near by on his phone. I didn't feel safe with him in the slightest but I wouldn't tell Jason that. My daughter continued kicking and I rubbed my stomach soothingly. She was due to come any day now and though I couldn't wait, I was also afraid for her safety. Our safety. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on edge and heard someone coming up quick.

I turned around and yelped in surprise when I came in contact with someone I hadn't seen in 13 years and had hoped to never see again. "Anthony." I choked out as he came to a stop in front of me. 

"Well, well, well if it isn't my bitch of an ex-wife. I thought I would have to search forever to track you. I couldn't believe my luck when my contact told me you had moved back to town with that bitch ass cop of a husband of yours. Funny. This is exactly how you looked the last time I saw you." he said stepping closer as I stepped back. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I knew I needed to run, get away from him but I couldn't make my body move. 

"Please just leave me alone. I won't tell anyone I saw you or anything. Please don't hurt me or my baby and let me go." I stuttered out. Why hadn't my security guard done something yet? Without turning my head away from the crazed man ahead of me I glanced to my left where the man who is supposed to keep me safe was still standing leaning against a car on his phone. He hadn't even noticed that I was in grave danger.

Deciding to take my chances, started to scream for help but the sight of the gun Anthony pulled from his pocket made the scream stick in my throat. "Do it and I swear I'll finish what I started 13 years ago. You're going to come with me now or else I'll shoot you now, starting with your little bastard." He said. He grabbed me by the arm, just about pulling it out of its socket and pulled me to him. Once he had me in his grasp, he wrapped his arm around my neck putting me in a choke hold, making it hard for me to breathe. 

"Let me go please!" I struggled to get out as I fought to get away. I scratched him, tried to step on his feet, kick him, bite him, anything to get him to let me go. My security guard finally noticed the struggle going on and tore his attention away from his phone. 

"HEY! SPD, let her go now!" he yelled. 

Anthony pulled the gun away from my side and raised it to shoot at the guard. The man fell instantly and I felt sick to my stomach. "Oh my god you shot him!" I cried out. 

I continued to struggle to try and get away from this mad man. "I'm sick of you bitch!" he growled before striking me in the temple with the butt of his gun. 

My vision went blurry and I had spots in front of my eyes. I felt like I was being pulled under water. My last thought as a black cloud took over my mind was praying that my daughter would be okay and that my husband would be able to save us from this nightmare.



Things have been pretty great in the last couple of weeks. Christmas came and went and my babies were growing bigger every day. Kaiden was beyond attentive when it came to me and our babies. He cut back on the amount of hours he had been working, he hadn't missed a doctor's appointment yet and he had even taken over planning for the nursery preparations.

Game Of Love (Under Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora