Chapter 41

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It was official. I was afraid of my father-in-law. Within 20 minutes of me calling him and letting him know that Melodi had been taken, he had several members of the SWAT team as well as a few marines that owed him a favors in my living room along with Camryn, RJ and Jason Vega, trying to brainstorm where Anthony Jackson could be keeping Melodi and Susan. James and I had already been down to the security room and reviewed the tape from the hallways and outside the building starting from the time that I left.

"How are we coming with finding a lead on Seth?" Camryn asks as I continue to pace through the living room. 

"Still nothing. The GPS on his phone is still pinging here in the building so my guess is he left it here somewhere." James said running his hand over his face. While we had the best team money and influence could provide, the stress of this ordeal seemed like it aged him 10 years in a matter of hours. It put a strain on all of us. 

"What about her phone? Have we thought about tapping into hers? I know it's probably a long shot but maybe..." RJ said before trailing off.

His words set off a bell in my head and my eyes widened "Holy shit!" I said out loud causing everyone to stop their conversations and look at me. I go over to the end table in the hall and look through the broken pieces and other things before going back to the living room. 

I made everyone move as I tore apart the couch and checked under the coffee table while everyone looked at me like I was losing my mind. "Son I realize you're stressed, we all are but tearing up the house isn't going to help bring Melodi and those babies home safe." James said as I kept tearing apart the living room and checking the counters of the island.

"RJ is on to something. Melodi's phone isn't here. When I got the call about the break in we were here in the living room. Now I don't know what she did in the 20 minute window between me leaving and them taking her but her phone is missing. I'm going to check the bathroom and our bedroom but I think she might have it with her. Or they took it from her and tossed. But I think RJ is right, we need to ping her phone." I explained to the room.

Everyone seemed stunned like this wasn't something that had occurred to them to do but quickly jumped into gear as James barked at Riley, our computer tech "You heard the man! Get to work." while I went to the bedroom to make sure Melodi's phone wasn't in there anywhere. 

On my way back to the living room, empty handed, I heard Riley call out "I got it!" and quickly made my way back to the living room and joined the circle standing around him.

"I'm not sure if she still has her phone one her or if they just tossed it out but it's a start. Her location is pulling up a warehouse in the more run down part of the industrial district that has been abandoned for some time now. What better place for a psycho killer to hide than someplace we aren't going to look" Riley told the group. 

We all shared the same look that said this couldn't really be that easy. Anthony Jackson had been on the run for the better part of a year at this point and had yet to even be close to being caught. He had to have found her phone on her person and gotten rid of it. But even so it was the closest thing we had to being able to start the search for Susan and Melodi. "Great we have a starting point. Let's go." I said heading toward the door with Camryn, Jason and Luca right on my heels. 

"Hold on there son, not so fast. I'm eager to get out there and find my daughter and Susan as much as you are, but we have to play this smart. I don't want us to go in to soon and risk something happening to the girls and those babies. We have to come up with a plan." James said.

Deep down I know he was right but the stress from the last few weeks leading into today was finally coming to a head and I snapped. "What do you mean wait and come up with a plan? Every minute we let get by us is another minute that Melodi and Susan both are trapped with that drugged out lunatic." 

"Dad he's right. We have a lead on where she is and we need to act on it. Even if he doesn't have them there, maybe he left a clue or something to point us in the right direction." Camryn said stepping up beside me. James' face started turning red with anger. He clearly wasn't used to being told what to do or second guessed. "Who said you were coming along Kaiden? You need to stay here out of the way and let us go in and recover MY daughter. The last thing we need on top of everything is you being more of a hindrance than a help." He snapped back. 

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm staying with my finger up my ass, while MY wife and children are out there with that bastard." I snapped right back, anger getting the best of me. I could kick myself for dropping that bombshell but it was too late to take it back. 

"Wife?! When the fuck did that happen? When did you guys get married without talking to me first?!" James yelled taking a step toward me.

"Dad, now is not the time to have this conversation." Camryn said taking a step forward to try and intercept his father. The look in his eye told me what his mouth didn't. I knew I had messed up by saying that out loud and that when this was all over, I was definitely due to get my ass kicked, but as much as I respected James, he needed to know that I wasn't backing down on this. I would do anything, say anything and hurt anyone if it meant that my wife and children would be safe. He was out of his mind if he thought I was going to just sit here twiddling my thumbs waiting on them to feed me updates while they saved Melodi and Susan and caught Jackson. 

"We were going to tell you together but between Cam and Cassie's wedding, the babies and this situation, we decided to wait to say something. That's not important right now. What we need to be focused on is finding this sick bastard before he has a chance to hurt either woman. He has taken so much from me, my family, hell everyone in this room. I refuse to allow him to take anymore or have the chance to do more damage. This ends tonight." I said staring down my father in law.

I saw the vain in his forehead become more prominent and I could almost see the steam coming from his ears. I'm pretty sure under normal circumstances, he would have done serious physical damage to me with the help of Camryn and RJ but I guess my words most have penetrated because he stepped back. "Fine but you better stay out of the way and follow every command I give. If I tell you to fall back, then you better fall the fuck back. The last thing I need is for you to get yourself trying to be a hero. Do you understand me?" he barked at me. I didn't say anything but I gave him a sharp nod, which seemed to pacify him because he turned his attention to the rest of the room, more specifically to Jason who was standing by the window. 

"Same goes for you. The last thing we need is for you to go off halfcocked, trying to get your revenge. I'm going against every protocol the brass has in place for this and my ass is on the line for this. I will pull you both out of there before you can even form your lips to say my name." he said to him, getting another sharp nod. 

"Alright men, you have your orders. We have a location to start with. Time is of the essence and we have to make every moment count. Let's bring this sick psycho to justice and bring those women home before any harm can come to them or the babies they are carrying."

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