Chapter 20

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Hey guys, I'm back after yet another long break. For those of y'all that don't know where I've been and would like to know why I had disappeared for a while check out my update on my page. I've decided that I'm going to start posting more little chapters instead of trying to make them super long. Reason behind that is it takes me so long to write those long chapters , that I keep you all waiting forever and a decade. Usually what happens is I'll write the first part and then get stuck on the second half and sit there and stare at my screen until I can make words appear from my brain to the screen. This way, you can enjoy the first half while I struggle with the second half as well as I can also start posting more often. IDK though let me know what you think as to if it's a wise decision or not. I feel bad for making you wait while I argue it out with Melodi and Kaiden  about where they want their story to be taken, but from a readers perspective, it can get pretty old pretty fast having only a little taste. Opinions are welcomed. Welp I'm hopping off my soapbox for a while and getting back to writing. As always Read, Comment, Vote and Share. Much Love.


'I'm dying' I thought to myself as I forced my eyes open. My head felt like someone had taken a hammer to it and then used a jackhammer to rattle around what was left. My mouth tasted like I had swallowed a boot and my stomach felt like at any moment that boot was going to make its way back up to greet the world. The last thing I remembered was Luca and I calling over a few friends to hang out and play video games and drink to take my mind off of Melodi. Everything after that was a blank. I couldn't even remember how I got in bed. I glanced over at my alarm clock on the night stand and saw that it was well after 10 AM and that I was beyond late for work and a meeting that I had this morning.

Scrambling out of bed, I stumbled to the living room to find my cell phone to call Regina and let her know I overslept. I skidded to a stop when I rounded the corner and spotted Melodi sitting at my table typing away on her laptop, her face scrunched in concentration. She stopped when she heard me trample into the room. "Hey you finally woke up. I hope you don't mind that I set up camp in here. I borrowed your house keys and left this morning and went to go change and get the shop open. I came back and cleaned up the mess that you guys made last night and decided to start on some online orders, while I waited for you to wake up." She said taking a sip of her coffee that smelled like heaven and made my mouth water.

"I don't mind as long as you have more coffee to share." I said as I took a seat at the table next to her. She got up and poured me a cup from the machine and brought it to me along with the cream and sugar. She waited until I took my first sip before she started talking. "So do you remember anything that happened last night?" "Nope. After Luca and I got back from the bar everything is a blank. You mind filling in some of those?" I asked. "Well I came over last night to bring you dinner... which is in the fridge, along with the cupcakes I made." She said as I hoped up and went to fridge to pull out the food, cutting her off mid-sentence.

After piling a good helping of the alfredo she made into a bowl and shoving it in the microwave for a few minutes, I returned to the table and gestured for her to continue. "Better?" she asked with a smile on her lips. I nodded as I shoved the food in my mouth, enjoying the burst of flavors from the pasta. It was so good I could honestly say she made better alfredo than my mother. "Like I was saying I made you dinner and dessert and brought them over to apologize for the argument we had yesterday. I'll get to that in a minute. When I got here one of you, Luc and like 4 other guys who were here were drunk beyond belief. I told you I could come back later since you had company over and you said no and kicked every one so we could talk." She said as she took another sip of her coffee.

Nothing about what she had said rang any bells other than hanging out with the guys. I gestured for her ton continue "So did we end up talking last night?" "Nope. After you kicked your friends out, you were more concerned trying to get into my pants as well as failing to stay on your feet so I took you to your room and made you lay down. You forced me to lay down with you and then we slept. I got up this morning and went to open up the shop and left Trinity and Cassie in charge for a while so I could be here when you woke up and to clean up the mess you all made from last night." She said taking a deep breath before continuing. "I want to apologize for yesterday morning. I shouldn't have acted like that but I was so surprised. Everything had come completely out of left field and I didn't know how to handle it. she just walked into your place like she owned it and then everything went downhill from there. I acted like a jealous bitch and I'm sorry." She said not looking at me.

I put the plate down and sighed "Melodi, it wasn't just your fault. I didn't say anything because I was taken by surprise seeing her here and then for it to turn into a giant cat fight. I guess in a way I was also trying to preserve what little bit of friendship that still is between her and I as well, but I shouldn't have done that at the cost of our relationship. You have come to be very important to me and I don't want to jeopardize my relationship with you over something that at this point I'm not even sure can be fixed." I said taking hold of her hand. I'm glad we both realized we had made mistakes and were trying to work past them like adults, which was a first for me. Normally the women I spent my time with just threw tantrums until they got their way or I left them alone. The more time I spent with her, the more I wanted her because of how different she was. Every interactions was like a breath of fresh air to me and I was like a man who was drowning; I couldn't get enough.

"So are we good? Did we successfully make it through our first fight?" she asked me biting her lip, her eyes glittering with hope. Instead of answering her I stood up and helped her to her feet, pulling her to my chest, wrapping her up in my arms. "Yes Bellissima we're good." I said leaning down to kiss her softly, hangover forgotten. "Now for the best part of arguing and making up: the incredible make up sex." I told her with a lopsided grin. "Well lead the way sexy." She said pinching my cheek, before standing up from the chair and walking toward the bed room. Food and work forgotten as I stared at her ass as she walked away, I felt the familiar tug of lust I usually got when I was around Melodi. I hopped out of the chair and moved after her, catching her right as she made it through the door to the bedroom. I tossed her on the bed, causing her to laugh. Her laughter didn't last long before I had her screaming my name, hangover be damned, until we both couldn't remember our names let alone what we were made at each other about. 'If make up sex is this good, I need to keep her pissed off at me all the time.'

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