Chapter 16

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Hey fantastic people, I'm back!! I couldn't let October leave with out putting up something. I apologize for taking so long with the update.  For those of you who don't know I broke my arm in two places a few weeks back and I've been stuck in a cast ever since. Because of this my writing has been severely limited since I'm really only working with one good arm. So Sorry to make everyone wait this long. I've even had issues doing my school work and have had to have a classmate help with my school assignments. But on the bright side my cast comes off at the end of the week!! Any way I hope you all enjoy reading about Melodi and Kaiden's adventure in part 2 of meet the parents. As always Read Vote Comment Share



Disaster didn't even cover everything that happened tonight. When we first arrived at my parent's, I expect things to be slightly rough at first, especially since it was the first time I've ever introduced a woman to my parents that they didn't already know. 

My mom and Issy were great. They seemed to genuinely like getting to know her. My dad on the other hand was a completely different story. He stayed quite the entire time we were there, until my mom brought up children, then all hell broke loose. My dad started yelling and Melodi started yelling right back. It was ugly and I've never been angrier with my father before tonight.

I realized he was only acting out because he wasn't getting his way in terms of me dating Brianna, but that wasn't Melodi's fault. I brought her around my family because I could honestly see myself with her for a while and I want the people who are important to me to get along. 

Despite all the drama with my father that I would address with him at a later date, I'm glad Melodi got along great with my mother and my sister. It would have been hard to continue dating her if they didn't like each other. We pulled into the parking garage for my condo and I parked the rover in my second parking spot next to my Jaguar and shut the engine off.

We sat there in the dimly lit garage for a few silent moments before she turned and looked at me. "So are we going in or are we going to sit here all night?" she asked teasingly but I could see the apprehension in her eyes. She was nervous despite what her mouth said. She wasn't alone. 

I had never brought a woman to my house before other than Brianna and that always ended in sex. This was a new experience because, while Melodi turned me on more than any other female I had ever dated or spent time with, I wasn't sure if she felt like we were at the stage in our relationship. No matter how much my dick protested.

"Let's go." I said taking my seatbelt off and hopping out of the car,walking around to her side to help her out before walking hand in hand to theelevator that led into the condo's lobby. She didn't say anything as we rode upin silence, instead choosing to rest her head on my upper arm. 

I smiled down ather, brushing a stray lock of hair out of her face, tucking it gently behindher ear. In all honestly I was just looking for any excuse to touch her. Sheglanced up at me and I couldn't do anything but bend down and press my lips tohers. This woman had me under some kind of spell, one that had me acting completely out of character, but I couldn't fight the pull I felt toward her.

The elevator dinged letting us know we had finally reached the lobby and I begrudgingly pulled away from her as the doors slid open. We walked out into the lobby, the brightly lit space an extreme contrast to the dimly lit garage. 

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