Chapter 33: Part 2

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*TRIGGER WARNING! The following chapter contains a scene that maybe difficult for some readers. The section will be clearly marked so that if you choose to, you can skip it. *


"Today sucks." I said as I took my seat next to Luca at the bar and signaled for the bartender to pour me a drink. 

"Tell me about it. What's eating you? Melodi still acting like you have the plague?" he asked staring into his glass. The bartender slid a glass half full with the same amber liquor Luca was drinking and I took a healthy swallow before nodding my head in thanks. 

"No it's not that... well that's still happening too but no I just had it out with my dad during family dinner. Needless to say, that didn't go very well." 

"Damn man. What happened?" Luca asked as he drained what was left in his glass and signaled for another one. 

"It was fine at first but you know my dad he had to start running his mouth and like I always do I took the bait. Started a shouting match in the middle of the dining room. I might have also let it slip that Melodi was pregnant while I was yelling too." I told him.

I really did feel bad about how I handled that part of it. I had wanted to tell my mom and my sister that they were becoming a grandmother and an aunt differently. 

"How'd he take that one?" 

"He damn near had a heart attack. I guess after all the stuff he put her through and whatever nonsense he had planned hit him all at once after he heard about him having grandchildren. After that I told him I wanted nothing to do with him unless it had something to do with work. We will see how long that lasts though." I said finishing the rest of my drink. 

"Damn that's harsh. But I can't say your old man didn't have it coming to him." 

"What about you. Why are you here drinking yourself into a coma. I thought you had a date with the woman you've been seeing for a minute." I asked him changing the subject away from my family drama. 

Luca sighed "I did but it ended early. She wanted more than I'm willing to give so she ended it." 

I almost choked on the sip I was taking from the drink the bartender had just sat in front of me when he said that. "Wait you mean she broke up with you instead of the other way around. Wow that's got to be a first for you." I said coughing. 

"Well she beat me to it. It was running it's course and it was bound to happen soon enough." He said.

While he looked like he believed his words I could tell from his voice that wasn't the case. "You know what I think? I think you liked her more than you cared to admit so rather than just keep dating her to see where it ended up, you ran from your feelings." I said. 

 He looked at me like I had another head growing from the side of my neck and shook his head. "Who the fuck are you, Dr. Phil? How about you worry about getting back into Melodi's good graces instead of making up imaginary relationships for me in your mind." Luca said jokingly.

I had to laugh at that but before I could answer, my phone rang. It wasn't a number that I recognized but it was local so I answered it. "This is Kaiden Andretti, how can I help you?" 

"Hi Mr. Andretti, this is Marcy a nurse in the emergency department here at Swedish hospital. I'm calling you because you are listed as Melodi Gray's emergency contact. She was involved in a house fire and has been admitted due to smoke inhalation..." she said. 

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