Chapter 18: Part 1

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Part 1 of 3


Sunday morning, I woke to an empty bed and delicious smells coming from my kitchen. As I stretched and headed for the master bathroom to do my business, I couldn't help but smile at the memory of what happened last night. I've had sex with a lot of women but I could honestly say last night was the best sex I had ever had. Melodi was so responsive. She gave as good as she got and then some. I decided to take a quick shower before going to find my girlfriend and trying for a repeat performance.

I turned on the water in the shower and glanced at myself in the mirror. I thought about shaving the stubble that had grown on my face in the last couple of days but I decided against it and hopped into the warm water. While in there I turned my thoughts away from sex and on to other things such as the fact that Anthony Jackson was still out on the loose. Even though police said he wasn't coming after our family, I wasn't so sure. The man was crazy enough to try his pregnant wife with no regard for his child's welfare. That alone meant he had no boundaries and anyone connected to the crime was at risk.

I tried to shake the idea of the psychopathic murderer on the loose and think of something other than that or sex, when I heard angry shouts coming from the main part of the apartment. Jumping out of the shower, I barely stopped to grab my towel and tie it around my waist before barreling out to find out what was going on. 

As I rounded the corner I skidded to a stop as I took in the scene in front of me. Brianna was standing in the living room engaged in a verbal battle with Melodi, who was standing at the entrance to the kitchen, dressed in my shirt from last night holding a frying pan in one hand the other on her hip, making her small stature more imposing. 

"Who the fuck are you and why are you walking into my boyfriend's home like you own the place?" 

"Boyfriend? He's my fiancé!" Brianna yelled back, causing Melodi's eyes to get widen at the word fiancé. I had to cut in before this situation could get any worse.

"What is going on here?!" I yell over their voices, the biting edge to my tone, effectively silencing them both. 

"Chi diavolo è questa puttana? (Who the hell is this bitch?)" Brianna spat out at me as she stomped toward me 

"Non ti preoccupare chi è che ci fai qui? (Don't Worry about that, why are you here?)" I said back well aware the Melodi's eyes were on us, watching intently. 

"I came here because you haven't been answering my phone calls. You've also had security called on me every time I've tried to come to the office. Now I see why. You're over here shacking up with this nero puttana." Brianna said as she stroked her fingers down my still wet chest to down to the edge of the towel around my waist while cutting her eyes at Melodi. 

I moved away from her touch like I was trying to avoid a burning fire, while gripping my towel tighter. "Call me a whore one more time and I swear I'll shove my size 5 foot up your boney ass, Barbie." Melodi growled before turning her attention to me "Kaiden who is this?" she asked me. 

"Bring it you little midget." Brianna answered back before I could answer her question and I had to move to grab Melodi by her waist before she launched herself at the taller woman.

"Brianna enough. I told you that I was seeing someone that's the reason I stopped taking your calls. I don't even know how you were able to get up here but you need to leave. You also need to stop saying that I'm your fiancé, because that isn't true. Don't come here again." I said holding Melodi tight against my chest as she struggled to get free. 

"Kaiden, I don't understand why you're fighting this. We make an excellent match. Your parents love me; our fathers are friends. We have practically been engaged since we were born. I understand you wanting to sow your wild oats but to cut me off for this short, pudgy little hoodlum is beyond crazy." Brianna said folding her arms over her chest. 

"See there you go running your mouth again. I refuse to let you bully me. Kaiden let me go so I can teach her some manners." Melodi said still trying to wiggle her way free. 

"Brianna you need to leave NOW!" I said again more forcefully.

I must have gotten through to her because she listened and headed for the door but before she made her way through it she called over her shoulder "This isn't over Kaiden. You're mine and I'm not giving you up." And slammed the door behind her, leaving her words hanging in the air. I loosened my grip on Melodi and allowed her to pull free and turn around to glare at me.

"Melodi, bellissima, I know you're upset but can you give me a chance to explain?" I asked her calmly. She folded her arms across her chest, causing the shirt she was wearing to ride up her thighs, and waited for me to say something. "That was my... ex- girlfriend. We had been dating, if you want to call it that, since we were 18. Our parents have been friends for years so we have been pushed together since we were born in hopes of us getting married one day, much to my dismay. It had been an ongoing thing until we met and started dating. I immediately cut it off and have stopped all communication with her as well as changed the code to the elevator so that she couldn't get up here uninvited anymore. She has been calling me nonstop but I haven't returned any of them. That's part of the reason my dad was an ass on Friday, because I'm not falling into line with his plan." I explained to her hoping she would calming down. 

"So if you haven't talked to her in months, how did she get up her then Kaiden? You said you changed the code and that only certain people had it to be able to get up here. That means that you had to be the one to give it to her. And what was up with all the touching and you not telling her to leave sooner. On top of all that I'm pretty sure she was talking shit and yet you said nothing." Melodi pointed out.

"I'm not sure how she got up here but I will find out and make sure it doesn't happen again. As for not telling her to leave right away, I was trying to find out why she had come in the first place. Remember I told you that our families are friends, it could have been something about her parents that she wanted me to inform my own parents about. And her touching me was completely innocent but if it bothers you that much I will talk to her about it." I said, cringing at the excuse that sounded phony even to my ears. Melodi shot me a look of disbelief before turning on her heel and stomping back to my bedroom, leaving me to trail behind. Once in there, I found her pulling on her jeans and the t shirt that she had on from last night, throwing her bra in her purse and throwing my shirt on the bed.

Melodi pushed past me back to the main part of the condo. "Melodi can't we talk about this. I don't understand why this is such a big deal to you. I told you that I would talk to her about the reason behind her coming here as well as get to the bottom of how she was got up here. Can't we just talk about this rationally and then spend the day together like we planned?" I asked her in an exasperated tone, trying to figure out why my mild mannered girlfriend was turning this into the battle of the century. 

"If you don't get it now then you never will, Kaiden! I shouldn't have to explain it to you. I don't see why you would want to spend time with me today, why don't you just go find Brianna and spend the day with her!" she said emphasizing Brianna's name as she jammed her feet into her shoes.

I was so shocked at the turn of events that I couldn't get my mind and my mouth to work together to say something. Melodi shot one last dirty look up at me before her turning and stomping out the door, slamming it shut behind her, leaving me to stare at it and wonder what the hell just happened.

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