Chapter 26

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I don't know how I made it home. The tears running down my face completely blinded me, but somehow I managed to drive without wreaking my car and killing myself. Things had gone completely unplanned and my mind was spinning out of control. Beside me my phone continuously belted out the ringtone I had picked out for him, our picture blinking up at me as it buzzed on the seat. 

I couldn't answer it. I couldn't talk to him after witnessing that. I sat in front of the shop for I don't even know how long before I could finally make my body move to get out of the car and go up to the apartment.

I heard the sound of music playing and Trinity and Cassie laughing as I walked in. I closed the door behind me and dropped my keys and purse on the floor before walking further in. once again I'm surprised I've been able to make my body do anything considering the jumbled state of my mind. 

I could dimly feel the pain in my hand from when I hit not only Brianna but Kaiden as well, but that pain didn't compare to the pain I felt in my chest. Compared to that, that pain was nothing.

Cassie looked up from the cake her and Trinity were decorating, most likely for me, took in the look on my face and immediately went into best friend overprotective mode. "Mel what's wrong?" she asked coming from around the counter, Trinity right on her heels. I couldn't manage to form words to explain the situation that wasn't supposed to exist. 

"Mel what happened? Do we need to call someone? Are you hurt? Is it Kaiden?" Trinity asked. At the mention of his name, my heart splintered even more causing silent tears to turn into hyperventilating sobs.

"Shit Cass, help me get her to the couch." They grabbed me by the arms and guided me to the couch and sandwiched me between them, trying to both comfort me as well as find out what had sent me into such a state of despair. 

"Melodi, Sweets, you have to tell us what's wrong. Did something happen? Are you hurt, do you need to go to the hospital?" Trinity asked. 

I managed to choke out, "He cheated on me. On my birthday." They gave me a dumbfounded expression as the tears ran down my face even harder. Seeing what happened in person as well as in a constant loop in my mind hurt, but admitting it out loud completely destroyed me.

"What the hell are you talking about? He did what?" Cassie asked. 

"He cheated on me." I repeated again. 

"We were supposed to move in together. He asked me last night. We were going to talk about it again tonight and finalize the details. I hadn't heard from him in a while and after his dads visit this morning, I really needed to talk to him. I went over and let myself in and I caught them in bed." I said trying to pull myself together. 

Their eyes went wide with disbelief as I recounted what happened and showed them my rapidly bruising hand. I think I was still in shock because saying it out loud still sounded foreign to me. Like the images in my mind and the story they told should belong to someone else.

"I'm going to kill him." Trinity said shooting up. "Just wait until I get my hands on the dirty, rotten, cheating bastard. He's going to wish he was never born. I'm going to run him over with my car, then string him up by his balls then I'm going to gut him like a fish. They will never find the little rich boy after I'm done." Trinity ranted. 

She rushed to grab her purse and to find a weapon. "I guess his dad didn't need to threaten me after all. Kaiden was already doing what he wanted as it was." I said pitifully. 

"Wait, wait back up. His dad threatened you?" Cassie asked. I told them about what his dad said earlier ad his threats. 

"I was going over there to tell him. I wasn't going to fall for his threats but walking in on that... well I didn't have to." I said picking at imaginary lint on my clothes.

"Oh Melodi, why didn't you say something earlier. I could have kicked him out or gone with you to see Kaiden." Cassie said softly. A knock sounded at the door and my body stiffened up before easing when Camryn cam striding in. 

"Hey ladies, it's almost time for us to go." He said as he came in the house. It didn't take him long to notice my tear stained face and the fact that Cassie and Trinity looked ready to go commit murder and he went straight in to big brother mode. 

"What's wrong?" He asked. I couldn't say it. I couldn't bring myself to say the awful words again. Camryn knelt down in front of me and cupped my hands in his like he used to when we were little and he would try to comfort me.

I knew I had to tell him but I didn't want to. I knew exactly what would happen as soon as the word left my lips. Camryn would blow a gasket and go over there and do something stupid that would jeopardize not only his job with the police force but his freedom. And despite the fact that Kaiden betrayed me, I still loved him and didn't want him to be hurt.

 The look of devastation on my face must have been enough for him to piece together what happened. "I'm going to kill him. I warned him and he gave me his word, and yet he still does this. I'm going to kill him." Camryn said, dropping my hands. 

"Please Cam, just leave it alone okay. Don't hurt him." I beg. The thought of my brother doing something stupid was enough to send me into hysterics again. 

"I'm sorry Pixie girl but he's got to die."

Cassie pulled me to her side tighter and shot my brother a look. "Babe, stop it. You're only making things worse. Can't you see she's barely holding it together, she doesn't need you threatening people right now." She said rubbing my head trying to get me to calm down. 

Camryn plopped down on the other side and sighed. "You're right love. I'm sorry Mel." He said wrapping his arm around me. Trinity kicked off her shoes and dropped her purse back on the table and made herself comfortable on the floor, leaning her head on my lap.

Three of the most important people in my life sat there trying to keep me from breaking apart. The bad part is it's hard to keep something from breaking, when it was already completely shattered.

I've said it once I'll say it again: Some birthday this was. 

Game Of Love (Under Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ