Interlude: Trinity Pt. 2

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'That arrogant asshole. That stupid Italian prick. How dare he say those things to me?! He is lucky I didn't kick him in his junk' I thought to myself as I drove back to Melodi's place after leaving my parents house, where I had been staying the last couple of days. Luca had been deeply ingrained on my mind since I had met him. He had flirted with me from the moment he had walked into Kaiden's place for the family dinner.

With his charming smile and devilish good looks, he had my body responded to him immediately. I had wanted to climb him like a set of monkey bars and lick him from head to toe... that is until he opened his mouth to speak. It went downhill from there. He acted as if he was god's gift to women and that I was supposed to fall all over, ask how I could please him and how wide he wanted my legs to go as he fucked me.

His arrogance, however, made me beat my desire for the man down with a jagged stick. It also made me want to beat him down with a jagged stick. By the end of the night we were having an all out verbal battle with each other. Because I wasn't like other women and fell at his feet, I was a frigid chocolate ice princess with a stick up her ass. I called him a tiny needle dicked asshole and he offered to prove me wrong. To make me scream his name over and over again until I couldn't remember my own.

I almost took him up on it. I wanted to. Oh how I wanted to. In the end, I said "fuck you" and stormed off, making sure to keep my distance for the rest of the night. Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't been with a man in months, since the last time I was with Micah. That had to be it. My body was just trying to tell me that I need to get laid and quick and then Luca wouldn't have such a big effect on me.

'Yeah and I'm the queen of England. Keep lying to yourself Trinity. Who knows, you might start to believe it.'

I was so screwed. 

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