Chapter 34

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I woke up to a headache and a sore throat. It took me a while to open my eyes and when I did, I saw Luca sitting beside the bed next to me. "Hey there shortie. I'm glad you decided nap time is over." He said leaning forward. 

"Hummmm Luc don't make me hurt you. Where's Kaiden?" I ask as I struggle to sit up. 

"He went to call your parents and to find your doctor. We just got here a few minutes ago." He said. 

"What about Trinity, Cassie, my brother and RJ?" 

"They are already on their way along with Thom, your landlord." He told me. I was stunned almost speechless. 

"Wow you guys are super thorough for only being here for a few minutes." 

"Well Kaiden made most of the calls on the way here." He told me.

Before I could say anything else Kaiden came striding back in to the room. Even though he looked stressed out and worried, he was still like the ultimate walking wet dream for me. His hair was a mess like he had been running his hands through it nonstop and I could tell that he didn't shave this morning because his 5 o'clock shadow was thick. 

"Hey babe." I croaked out, wincing at how hoarse my voice was. 

"Hey Bellissima how are you feeling? Your doctor should be in here momentarily. Do you need anything?" He asked me. 

"I'm okay. My head hurts and so does my throat. I'm a little thirsty and I want to go home." I said. I had to stop tears from coming at the mention of a home that I might not have anymore.

"You'll have to wait for the doctor before you can have anything." He said brushing a stray lock of hair from my face. My face burned hot and a chill ran down my spine at the feel of his hands on me. I knew this wasn't the time to be thinking about sex but I couldn't help it. Kaiden did something to me and with the hormones and adrenaline running through me, that amplified everything I was feeling. Luckily before I could do something like jump him and give Luca a show he wasn't prepared for, the doctor that had been treating me came in. 

"Miss Gray I see you're awake and coherent. I'm Dr. Carr, I've been treating you since you've been here." The man said as he rubbed hand sanitizer on his hands and came to stand beside me. Luca moved to make room for Kaiden to stand closer, his hand finding mine. 

"Am I okay doctor? I got out before my apartment could catch fire completely but there was a lot of smoke. Are my babies okay?" I asked breathlessly. 

"We weren't able to run as many tests as we would have liked while you were out but we think you have a mild case of smoke inhalation. I spoke to your primary, Dr. Kennedy and she told me you're almost at 20 weeks. We want to give you a quick ultrasound to make sure your babies are doing well, keep you overnight for observation and if everything is well, send you home in the morning." He said.

I scrunched my face up at the thought of having to stay in the hospital overnight. Kaiden must have read my mind, he leaned down and whispered in my ear "Be good and listen to the doctor. You don't want to end up like Jack from This Is Us, do you?" I couldn't believe he remembered that. I had start watching the show a few months back and I forced Kaiden to watch it with me. He hated every moment of it, but he sat there and watched it with me every time so it was surprising to know he remembered how one of the main characters died. That little tidbit alone melted me a little bit and I nodded my head in compliance. 

"Okay fine. Anything for my babies." I said in a huff. "Great. I'll put the order in for the breathing test and the ultrasound and be back to check on you in a little bit." Dr. Carr said before leaving the room.

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