Chapter 44

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Everything had been a whirlwind of activity from the moment the guns fired. I knew Anthony had been aiming to kill Kaiden and I couldn't allow for that to happen. By allowing my body to become dead weight, I managed to throw off his aim. Kaiden's bullet found it's mark, with Anthony taking a bullet to the head. 

Anthony's bullet on the other hand, luckily, did not reach it's intended goal but Kaiden was hit in the shoulder. I screamed as he went down and he didn't move again. The other two women screamed as well as they witnessed the gory scene before them. I scrambled out of Anthony's now limp hold over to where my husband lay still a few feet away.

I heard someone running down the stairs but nothing mattered but me getting to him. I crawled to his side and saw the blood stain blooming rapidly on his left shoulder. his eyes were still open and he was still breathing but each breath seemed to be more shaky than the last. "Kaiden! Kaiden can you hear me baby? Say something?" I sobbed as my first aid instincts kicked in and I used my hands to cover the wound to try and stem the bleeding. Susan and Brianna were screaming for someone to come help and I saw my brother, father and another man I hadn't met before rush into the room, taking in the scene before them.

"Help me! Help him damn it! He's been shot!" I screamed out never taking my eyes off Kaiden. He looked at me, his eyes seeming to glaze over before mouthing the words 'I love you' to me and losing consciousness. "No, no, no stay awake! Fuck Kaiden don't you dare fucking die on me" I sobbed against his chest. 

"Fucking hell! We need medic now!" my dad bellowed as he and Camryn reached me. Camryn pushed my hands out of the way and took over applying pressure to the wound as my dad tried to pull me away from Kaiden's side. 

"No I'm not leaving him!" I yelled as I tried to get back to my spot.

"Pixie girl we have to get you both to the hospital. I know you want to help him but right now we have to get you both out of here." My dad soothingly in my ear, as paramedics flooded the room. The other man who entered the room with my dad and Camryn had scooped up the keys that Anthony had dropped and made quick work of setting Brianna and Susan free. 

As soon as he had the cuff off of her, he took Susan into his arms and squeezed her tight. One of the paramedics took over for my brother trying to stem the bleeding before assisting a couple others on getting Kaiden on to a gurney and rushing him from the room.

I made a move to follow behind him but the pressure I felt in my stomach stopped me short. With everything that had happened, I forgot I was in active labor. "Everything is going to be okay, Pixie. They're gonna patch Kaiden up and he'll be right as new to help you with these grand babies of mine. But first we gotta get you to the hospital as well." my dad said waving to the next set over. They quickly got me loaded and out of the room of horrors that had been my prison for the last few hours. 

My dad followed close by my side as the hoisted me up the stairs and into the main part of the warehouse. He didn't stop to speak to anyone as he left the aftermath and clean up in the hands of his team. The paramedics got me settled in the ambulance and my father hopped in right behind me, shooting one of the medics a cold look when they started to say something and settled in at my side. "You're mom, Trinity and Cassie are going to meet us at the hospital. She said she will handle contacting Kaiden's family. He's going to be fine." My dad said as we took off sirens blaring.

I didn't say anything in response as one of the EMT's started taking stock of my injuries and radioed them in to the hospital. "25 year old female, roughly 7-8 months pregnant, multiple contusions and mild lacerations to the face, chest and arms. Bruising to the neck as well indicating strangulation. Patient is also in active labor so please have L & D on standby." The man said before grabbing my arm gently to get an IV started. 

Game Of Love (Under Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin