Interlude: Trinity

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'I shouldn't be jealous. I really shouldn't. Not only is she my best friend, but also she just met this guy. A lot could still happen, nothing is set in stone. I just wish that Micah would do the things he used to do. He's extremely distant and I feel that distance growing larger everyday. We've been together for almost 4 years and we still have yet to get past the living together stage. I need to do something before I end up losing the man I love. I just don't know what...' My inner monologue plagued my mind the entire drive home from the shop.

After hearing about what had happened between Melodi and Kaiden Andretti earlier and leaving her daydreaming over the wedding cake order we had coming up, I fell prey to my own insecurities and my relationship. I wasn't the tall, athletic type like Cassie nor did I have the sugary sweet relationship like she did with Camryn. And I sure wasn't the petite and thick type like Mel was and it seemed like I didn't have the raw passion that seemed to exude from her short relationship with her savior. I was just me, some where in the middle, completely average.

Pulling into my parking spot at the condo I shared with Micah, I tried to shake off the pity party funk I had seemed to dive into and tried to find my happy place. Hitting the locks on my car door, I headed for the door, nodding to Ralph, the building manager as I passed. He gave me a look that kind of reminded me of pity but I decided to shake it off as I walked through the already open elevator doors and pressed the number for my floor.

As the car started moving upward I absent-mindedly picked at the leftover-crusted flour and chocolate that stained my jeans, while trying to work up the courage to talk to Micah tonight about how I was feeling. I give everyone this confident face to protect my inner self, the Trinity that no one ever sees except for Melodi, and even then I keep myself guarded to a certain extent. I guess when you've been hurt as many times as I have you always want to protect yourself, even from the people who supposedly love you.

Reaching my floor, I started digging around in my purse for my keys, the sounds of R&B music filtering out through the closed door. "Micah must be setting the mood tonight for a date night in.' I thought to myself, a small smile taking over my face as I slid my key into the knob. And then I heard it. The soft feminine giggle followed by a soft moan. My smile slowly started to fade as a feeling of dread slid down my spine and settled in the pit of my stomach. 'Calm down Trinity girl. Nothing is going on, on the other side of the door. He must be watching TV.' But even as I thought it I knew in my heart something was terribly wrong.

Cracking the door ever so slightly, I took in the scene happening in my living room. A shirtless Micah sat on our love seat, wrapped up with a woman I had never seen before, kissing and biting on her neck. 

"Stop Micah! You play too much." The woman giggled again, but didn't make any moves to stop him from his antics. 

"I can't wait to marry you, B. I can't wait until I get to see that beautiful face every morning." He said to her before kissing the woman softly.

I didn't know I was crying, until I felt my tears hit my chin. The pain I was feeling in my chest was over shadowing everything else until I became nothing but a ball full of pain. 'The one person I trusted not to hurt me... I trusted him with my heart. How could he do this?' I thought as a flood of tears rushed down my face. I pushed open the door with more force than I intended and the sound of the thud startled them. 

"Trinity..." Micah started to say, a look of guilt immediately taking over her smooth chocolate face.

The woman sitting beside him, dressed in one of his long sleeve button ups, at least had the grace to look uncomfortable and embarrassed at being caught. "Micah is this the one you were having trouble breaking the news to?" she asked softly folding her hands in her lap, the diamond ring on her finger catching my eye, crushing my heart a little bit more. 

"Bria not now." 

"No it's okay," I say finding my voice for the first time since I came across this ugly scene. "I understand everything perfectly clear. Congratulations. I'll be out in a moment." I say, walking further into the condo, not even bothering to put my purse down.

Walking on autopilot, I made it into the bedroom, with Micah right on my heels. I take in the messed up bed and the discarded clothes thrown across the floor. "In our bed..." I mumble trying to keep the contents of my stomach down and the tears at bay. Leaving Micah standing in the doorway, I went into the closet grabbing a couple duffle bags, tossing them on the bed. 

"Trini, I never wanted you to find out like this." He said, standing there watching me pull clothes from the closet laying them across the bed before moving to my dresser.

I never answered him, instead pulling out a small stack of under garments, enough to last me a few days before grabbing a couple pairs of jeans and a few tee shirts. I didn't want to spend anymore time here than I actually had to, so after grabbing those last few items I started shoving everything into the duffle bags, stopping last minute to snatch my small jewelry box off the dresser surface throwing it on top before zipping the bags up and slinging them both on my shoulders. "Okay I understand you probably don't want to talk to me, but I still care about you. Where are you going to go?" he asked, still blocking the doorway.

I stick him with a glare so cold I'm pretty sure his toes have frostbite. "That's really not your concern anymore." I say before pushing him out of the way. I made a pit stop in the bathroom to grab a few of my toiletries before making my way back to the front living area, where Bria still waited, Micah still trailing after me. Glancing around the place I had called home for the last 3 years, I knew my memories of it or the man I shared it with, would never be the same.

"I'll be back in a few days to get the rest of my things." I said turning my back on them before the tears had a chance to start again. 

"Trinity I..." 

"Just... don't Micah. Don't make this any harder than it has to be. Like I said I'll be back in a few days to get the rest of my things. I will text you and tell you when, so that when I get here you or your fiancé won't be here. Other than that please don't contact me. That's the least you could do." I say my voice cracking toward the end of my little speech.

Even though I felt like I was dying, I still managed to walk out the still open door with my head held high, pausing long enough to pull my keys out of their place in the doorknob, before continuing on to the elevator. I managed to keep up my charade past Ralph, and into my car. Even though the drive was a blur, I still managed to keep my brave face on while I stumbled into my chosen hotel. I lasted all the way until the door behind me closed and I was left alone with my thoughts. That's when I fell apart. Sitting on the side of the bed, I let the tears fall unchecked down my cheeks, sobbing broken-heartedly into my hands. Some where in the back of my mind, I knew I should probably call Melodi or Cassie, let one of them know what was wrong and where I was.

But instead of listening to the more rational side of myself, I continued to sob pitifully, crying until I felt like I couldn't cry anymore. At some point during my crying fest, I laid down on the bed curling into the fetal position trying to protect myself from the pain. I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. That once again I had put my trust into someone only to have it thrown back in my face, like it meant nothing. Like I meant nothing. I didn't want to think any more, didn't want to feel anymore.

Sleep was calling my name, like a seductive lover, pulling me under it's spell. My last conscious thought before I let sleep take me and my broken heart away was 'What am I going to do now?'

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