Chapter 39

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My heart was beating out of control as I stared at the man who had made the last couple months of my life a living hell. There were no windows in the back of the cargo van so the only light was coming from the overhead light that dimly lit up the compartment. 

"You know sexy, you're a hard woman to catch up with. Between that meddlesome family of yours and that Italian prick I almost had to give up. But I just changed tactics and got a little inside help and here we are. Although clearly you've been a very naughty girl since the last time we met. Those should have been my children. We will make beautiful ones together, rest assured. I might even be persuaded to allow you to keep the little brats you're carrying now if you're a good girl." he said grabbing my face with one of his hands and squeezing tight until I winced in pain.

He pulled me closer and pressed his lips roughly against mine. I did my best to try to pull away from him but he held my face in a tight grip so I couldn't get away. He forced his tongue into my mouth trying to make the kiss deeper. As a knee jerk reaction, I bit his tongue drawing blood causing him to pull back and slap me across the face. "That wasn't very nice. You're not helping your case for me to be nice to you or allow you to keep the little brats, princess." He said spitting blood on the floor of the van. 

I had to try and hold myself stable to avoid being thrown around the back of the van as the driver mad a wild turn before slowing down. We hadn't been driving long, but whoever had been driving had been speeding and traffic seemed to be light so who knew how far away they had taken me from home. The van slowly came to a stop and the back door opened revealing the man who pulled me from my house. "We're here Ant." He said before moving away to give him room to hop out.

I scooted away back toward the bench he had been sitting on, in hopes of keeping him from grabbing me even though I knew it was a dead end attempt. Anthony snagged me by my foot and dragged me out the door pulling me roughly upright. I looked around at my surroundings and noticed that we were somewhere in the industrial district in front of an abandoned warehouse. 

A third man came around the side of the truck and I was shocked to see that I knew him as well. His name was Seth and he had been one of the bodyguards that had been assigned to me the last couple of weeks. He also worked with my brother and RJ He looked like he hadn't slept in days and when his eyes met mine I could see the guilt lying there. "I did what you asked, now follow up on your end of the bargain." Seth said taking his eyes off of me and turning his attention to Anthony.

"My, my aren't we testy. I'd watch your tone if I were you." he said menacingly, causing Seth to blanch. 

"How could you? We trusted you and you're working with him?!" I screamed trying to pull away from my captor to get to the man who betrayed me and my family. 

He had the grace to at least look ashamed but that didn't stop my anger. "I'm sorry Melodi, but I didn't have a choice. He found out I was working for you guys and he kidnapped my wife and kids so I would help him get to you." he explained. 

While the rational part of my brain understood why he did what he did, it didn't change that because of his actions, both my babies and myself were in danger. "Quit with all the sentimentals and get going. Take her downstairs and chain her up. Then I might see about keeping up my end." Anthony said. Seth gave a stiff nod and grabbed me by the arm, guiding me to the door of the building. I had to fight the urge to kick him and try to run off but I didn't want to do anything that would potentially risk my babies lives.

Seth led me into the dimly lit warehouse and down a set of rickety stairs and through a heavy steel door and into a large, brightly lit room. The room was the size of my old loft. There was a bed in the far corner and I could make out the shape of someone huddled in the back corner. In another corner of the room I saw another person sitting in a chair up against the floor and there was another bed not far away from where the person was sitting. There was a door that looked like it led to a bathroom but other than that the room was empty. Seth pulled me in the room and pushed me on the bed gently making quick work of attaching a cuff to my ankle that was attached to a long chain. 

"You have free reign to move around this room but you won't make it out the door with this on so don't even try. Please don't make this harder than it needs to be. I promise I'll get you out of this." He said. He shot me one last look and walked out. The person in the chair uncurled themselves and sat up. I instantly recognized the woman as her beach ball sized stomach rivaled my own and while I had never met her in person, I knew I was looking at Susan Vega. Her strawberry blonde hair was matted, her clothes were wrinkled and there was a deep bruise as well as dirt on her face but I knew it was her. "Are you okay? You're bleeding." she asked quietly, standing up slowly. I touched my face and brought my hand back to see it was cover in blood.

I winced as a sharp pain shot through my head. "That asshole had his crazy ass goon with the scar hit me. I think he might have broken my nose." I told her as I waddled my way to the bathroom to see how bad the damage was. A deep bruise was already forming under my left eye and across my cheek bone. My nose had begun turning a nasty mottled purple color and was pouring blood. "Fuck." I muttered and reached for the toilet paper to try and stem the bleeding. 

"You must be Melodi. I'm Susan. Jason and Kaiden both told me a lot about you. I'm sorry we couldn't meet under better circumstances." She said taking the tissue from me to help clean my face. 

"I could say the same thing. Has he hurt you?" I asked her as I tried to not to wince as she dabbed my lip which was also bleeding. 

"No not since the day he kidnapped me. He knocked me out with the gun he used to shoot my guard and then roughed me up a little when he got me here," she said gesturing to the bruise on her face before continuing "But nothing compared to this. And nothing compared to what he does to her." She said gesturing at my face before waving her hand to the person who was still laying on the bed. "He hasn't touched me just threatened me a lot like he used to. But her... it's been hard to watch." She said as we made our way out of the bathroom and back to the main room. I took a seat on the bed rubbing my leg where the cuff was attached.

The person on the bed stirred slightly and rolled over slowly, almost as if they were afraid of what facing the room might bring. The woman's tall frame uncurled and she pushed her dirty, matted blond hair away from her face, which was covered in bruises. Actually there wasn't an inch of exposed skin that wasn't covered in bruises. Despite her disfigured appearance, a spark of recognition flowed through me as I met the dull, lifeless eyes of Brianna Nikolai. "Oh my god, Brianna are you okay?" I said getting up as quickly as my stomach would allow. 

Brianna looked at me in horror as I came closer to her before letting out a heartbroken wail "Oh no! His evil plan worked. He got you too."

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