Chapter 11

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Hello beautiful people!!

Sorry for taking so long, I honestly don't have an excuse for not posting considering It's summer and I have a lot of free time on my hands. Anyway, last week when I posted about updating, I told you all that this was going to be a double chapter and I've been working hard to keep my promise, even if it meant pushing the update back a week. Going with that, I have some not so good news followed by some amazing news. Sad news first, this chapter isn't going to be a doubled as you were hoping. Reasoning behind that is, surprisingly, Kaiden and Melodi had a LOT to say this time around and before I realized what happened, I was on 25 pages and still had a lot left to write. So for the sake of all of you're patience I decided to break it up and turn the second half I was still working on into  Chapter 12. Now the amazing news is since I have most of chapter 12 written, I'm going to be updating again in the next day or so. I'm shooting for late Saturday or sometime on Sunday (Possibly super early Monday morning, depending on how long our favorite couple and their friends decide to keep talking to me.) Thanks guys for sticking it out with me. Without you all writing wouldn't be as much fun.  As always, Read. Vote. Comment. Share.



"How's damage control going?" I asked Luca as we sat in my office, taking a break from trying to clean up the mess Phillip Anderson got us into. 

"It's going surprisingly well. There hasn't been a huge influx of clients calling in. the press has been hounding us of course but that's really only because we are the only ones with access to his accounts right now other than the FBI. Hamish & Holt have been going over the numbers with accounting and so far everything has been coming up clean. They are also being completely compliant with the FBI, turning over all of their records as they go through them for the experts to go over them as well." Luca replied handing me one of the cups of coffee he held in his hand.

We were all stressed to the max. I had been here since I had dropped Melodi off and that was going on 12 hours ago. The rest of my employee's from the other senior VP's to the clerks down in marketing have been here almost as long, combing through records and files, trying to find any inconsistencies that could implicate us in Anderson's case. 

"That's good." I nodded, taking a sip of the bitter black coffee, relying on the jolt it gave me to stay up and focused before I continued. "Hopefully this situation won't lead to accounts being pulled. Especially since we just landed the Nobunaka and Delgado accounts. Plus we are trying to negotiate with both Santana and Langdon & Johnson. We cant afford for them to leave." 

"Trust me, Santana and Langdon & Johnson both need us more than we need them. They aren't going anywhere. Delgado too for that matter. Nobunaka is a different story but I don't think we have anything to worry about. Besides Angela has already drafted our press release over the story and sent it off to most of the news sources in the city to be published later on in the morning." Luca said through a yawn. 

"Fuck if I knew I wouldn't be arrested I would go down to the jail and beat Anderson's ass to a bloody pulp." I growled, running my fingers through my hair.

"You never told me how your date went." He said, changing the subject to get my mind off of killing Anderson. 

"It was great up until this shit. I took her to aquarium then we went to lunch. We talked about any and everything. To be honest, I've never had that much fun with a woman before. And we didn't even fuck." I said with a grin. Luca's eyes grew wide with shock. 

"I swear you just said you actually had fun with a chick without fucking. Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" he joked.   

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