Chapter 43

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I had been pacing my living room, waiting on Mr. and Mrs. Andretti, along with Isabella to get here. I had called them not to long after Kaiden and the others left so that they didn't find out what was going on from the news. All stations had just broke the story of Melodi's abduction a few moments earlier and things were already getting out of hand. 

I was fielding so many calls from the companies PR team and concerned business associates as well as nosy people just trying to get more information the story. If it wasn't for the fact that I needed to have my phone on in case Kaiden or the others called, I would have turned the damn thing off.

There was a hard knock on the door, which turned into pounding. I raced to the door expecting to see Kaiden's parents or Isabella only to find a distraught Trinity on the other side. 

"Trinity what are you doing here?" I asked, shock lacing my voice as I stared at the woman who had been avoiding me for the last few months. 

"I just needed to come. I was at the house with Melodi's mom and Cassie but I couldn't stay. I felt the walls closing in on me and I needed to get away. I decided to come home and I figured that they would call me when any news became available but I couldn't bring myself to go in." she said in one breath, her whole body racked with trembles as a fresh batch of tears welled in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry I'll go. I didn't mean to dump all of this on you. I know you're worried too. That's your best friend and your god kids as well and I don't need to add to your pain." she said as she started to back away. 

Without thinking I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my arms and held her while she sobbed. "I'm... sorry..." she managed to hiccup out. 

"It's okay Trin. Everything will be okay." I told her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, praying to god that the words I just spoke were true.


"You're in labor?" I repeated after the last contraction passed, temporarily forgetting my husband was on the on the phone. 

"Yeah my water broke. The contractions aren't coming close together yet that was only my second one, but we have to figure out a way out of here. I can't have my baby here. I refuse to have my baby here." She said a touch of panic lacing her voice. 

"This isn't good. This isn't good at all. My water broke a few minutes before Anthony came in. my contractions are only a few minutes apart." I told her. 

"Fuck. We need to get out of here now." She said. I vaguely heard my name being called and remembered Kaiden was on the phone. 

"Melodi, baby, I need you to put it on speaker phone." I heard him say as I put the phone back to my ear. I pulled the phone back away from my ear and hit the speaker button. 

"Okay Susan can hear you too." I said rubbing my stomach trying to soothe the ferocious kick that one of the babies landed to my side. 

"Suzy? Can you hear me?" I heard another man, presumably Jason, call.

"Jase? I'm here baby I'm so scared. I don't want to have Tiana here." Susan whimpered. 

"Everything will be okay baby. We're going to get you out of there long before it's time for either of you to have the babies. Just try to stay calm, both of you." He said. 

"Okay, okay." She panted out.

"Bellissima, love we will be there soon." Kaiden said before the line went dead. I looked down at my phone and saw the battery icon was flashing on the black screen. 

"Fuck!" I yelled out in frustration as I drop my phone on the counter. 

"Well at least they know where we are and are on their way to get us out of here." Susan said holding her lower back. We heard someone stomping around upstairs and more footsteps coming down the hall. We both scrambled out of the bathroom at the same time the door to the main room was thrown open. 

"Change of plans. My guys have spotted a large number of cops in the area and I'm not getting caught because I wanted to wait around. We're leaving now." Anthony said as he stormed frantically into the room, his eyes wild. He quickly pulled a set of keys out of his pocket and unlocked the chain from around my ankle. No sooner than the words came out of his mouth we heard a giant bang from upstairs and men yelling.

Shots were fired and immediately the battle ensued. Anthony swore, dropped the keys and pulled a gun from his waist band and lashed out at me grabbing me by the arm and pulling me against his chest holding the gun to my temple. "Fuck! Change of plans. You're gonna be my ticket out of here sweet cheeks. Now be a good girl and do everything I say." He said, his arm squeezing my throat tight making it hard to breathe. 

Before he could make his way to the door with me in tow, someone came stomping down the stairs and through the open door. It took whoever it was a fraction of a second to assess the situation and raise their own gun targeting Anthony. 

"Let her go." Kaiden said as he took in the sight before him, his gun never wavering. 

Anthony snorted "I'm afraid that's not an option. I'm getting out of here and this little bitch is going to be my ticket to freedom."


"It doesn't have to be like this. Just put the gun down and let Melodi go." I said never taking my eyes off the man in front of me who was currently holding my entire existence hostage in his arms. I could see Susan and Brianna both huddled up out of the way from the corner of my eye but I didn't dare look away. My heart was beating wildly at the sight of the gun being held firmly against my wife's temple but I knew now wasn't the time to give into that panic. 

I had to do whatever it took to make sure she was safe. I could still hear the shouts and footsteps of the rest of the team rounding Anthony's goons. "Now why would I do that? I'm not stupid, Andretti. I already know as soon as I put this gun down and let this little bitch go, I'm either dead or back in a jail cell. I'm not letting either option happen. So here's how this is going to play out: you're going to call out to your buddies upstairs and tell them that they need to let me go if you want to see her alive again." he sneered, tightening his hold on Melodi's throat. She whimpered in distress and clawed at his arm trying to get him to release her to no avail.

"That's not going to happen." I said back to him. I knew there was no reasoning with him as much as I wanted to try. Melodi looked at me and I could see it in her eyes that she knew it too. She mouthed the words 'I love you' and gave me a small nod, letting me know I had her permission to try and take the shot. She trusted me enough to know that I would do everything and anything to ensure her safety. 

Anthony must have realized that I was deadly serious about him getting away from me willingly wasn't happening, because he moved his gun from Melodi to me. I met her tearful gaze one more time and nodded. We both pulled the trigger at the same time and everything happened in a split second. Melodi allowed her body to become dead weight in Anthony's arms. 

The sudden weight change was enough to throw off his aim and I felt a sharp pain tear through my left shoulder sending me to the ground, at the same time I witnessed my bullet enter Anthony's forehead. The three women screamed as Melodi hit the floor still pressed against her captors lifeless body.

I felt the sharp pain in my shoulder spread to a more burning sensation and I felt my shirt getting wet from the blood soaking it from the wound. I heard Melodi screaming my name but for whatever reason I couldn't answer her or seem to move. My vision was starting to get a little blurry around the edges and my hearing sounded like I was now under water. Melodi's tear stained and bruised face showed up in my eye sight and I heard her tell me everything would be okay before screaming for help again. 

I managed to mumble that I loved her and the boys one more time before I finally succumbed to the pain and everything went black.

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