Chapter 42

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It had been hours since I was taken from my house. Anthony, Seth nor anyone else had been back in here since I was brought in. After our conversation, Brianna went back to her huddled position in the corner of the bed, her body racked with convulsions from the drug detox. According to what I've managed to put together, it had been a few days at least since Anthony had been back in here to inflict any more physical damage to Brianna. 

But that being said it had been a few days since her body had a hit of the drugs it now forcibly craved, which meant that her already broken spirit was being tested even more. Susan had retreated as well back to her chair, spending her time rubbing her stomach and speaking in calming, soft tones to keep both herself and her baby relaxed. Me on the other hand I was nothing more than a nervous ball of energy and my babies knew it. One or both of them had been sending sharp jabs to my right side for the better part of an hour as a paced back and forth, surveying the room looking for any way out. "You're going to give yourself a heart attack from the stress if you keep pacing like that. This isn't good for you or your babies. You need to try and relax." Susan said.

I shot her a dirty look, "I'm fine. I'm just trying to examine all my options." I said as I rubbed the spot where I felt another twinge run through me. 

"Are you okay?" she asked keeping her gaze on me all the while continuing to rub her stomach. Even Brianna sat up and looked at me, her gaze full of concern. 

"Yeah I'm fine. One of the boys is just kicking me in my side and it hurts is all. I'm assuming it's the stress." I told them. 

They both shared a look but chose not to say anything. I couldn't take their stares any longer so I excused myself to the bathroom closing the door as best as I could with the chain attached to my ankle blocking it from closing all the way. leaning up against the counter, I put my face and my hands and tried to contain the tears that were ready to pour down my face. all I wanted to do was go home and cuddle next to my husband, have him rub my stomach and tell me this was all a big nightmare. I didn't want it but a feeling of despair slowly made its way over me as my thoughts jumbled themselves together. While I had complete faith in my husband, father and brother to find me, a small part of me feared that they wouldn't get to me in time or they wouldn't find me at all.

Doing my best to shake off all the negative feelings that were taking over me, I tried to work on my deep breathing exercises that I learned in Lamaze class a few days ago and tried to relax. I leaned forward over the counter, counting the each breath. I felt something pressing against my bladder and decided to try and use the bathroom. Going to pull my yoga pants down, I felt something fall from the waist band and clatter to the floor. 

Looking down, my eyes widened as I saw my phone sitting on the busted tile floor at my feet. "Holy shit!" I whispered as I struggled to bend down and grab it. After struggling for a moment or two, I finally was able to pick it up off the floor, praying the whole time that it still had a charge. I just about cried when I saw the screen light up, showing the dozens of missed calls and text messages from my family. Almost frantically, I pressed my home button to unlock my phone and hit Kaiden's number.

The phone didn't even ring once before he answered. "Bellissima? Gesú Cristo baby are you okay? Did he hurt you? Do you know where you are?" he fired off question after question in my ear at rapid fire. Just hearing the sound of his voice made my eyes water with unshed tears. 

"Oh my god Kaiden. It's Anthony. He threatened Seth's family to get in the building. He kidnapped me and brought me to some warehouse. He has Susan here too and he's been holding Brianna here as well." I said trying to hold back the tears. 

"What? Brianna? He has Brianna there too? Fuck!" the phone went muffled briefly before his voice came back clear. "Baby we have a lock on your location and we are on our way to you now. I need you to try and stay calm okay? How are you feeling?" he asked, trying to keep a calming note in his voice. Before I could answer, I heard the door to the room bang open and the sound of Anthony's voice rang out. "Where the fuck is Melodi?" followed by a faint voice and a resounding smack, causing me to flinch.

Kaiden must have been able to hear his voice too because he let out another string of curses and I heard my dad swear as well. the spike of fear that shot through my body followed by a sharp spike of pain. I felt a gush between my legs. my whole body seized up and I let out a little squeak of pain. "Bellissima are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked me. 

"Kaiden... Fuck I think I just went into labor." I gasped out as another streak of pain grabbed hold of my belly, right as the bathroom door opened, causing me to send my phone flying. "What are you doing beautiful one?" Anthony asked pulling me to him. I prayed he wouldn't be able to feel the wetness on my pants from my water breaking and that he hadn't heard or saw my phone before it disappeared on the other side of the toilet. "I'm just... using the bathroom." I managed to get out trying not to draw attention to the amount pain I was in.

"We'll be leaving here in a little while. An old buddy of mine has graciously offered to set us up in his vacation home in Laos and I have a doctor on standby to help with this little situation," he said gesturing to my stomach before continuing "for us when we get there. As soon as I get the call, which should be any moment now, I just have a few loose ends to take care and we will be out of here." He said cupping my face roughly forcing me to maintain eye contact with him. 

"Loose ends?" I gasped out as his hold tightened to the point of pain. 

"Don't worry your pretty little head about that right now." He said pressing his lips to mine. I fought desperately to get away from him but he used his other hand to keep me still. He let me go right as another contraction hit and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep the groan trapped inside. He released me and took a step back. 

"That was just a taste. I can't wait until we're on our way to get the main course." He said licking his lips and running his hand across my breast causing me to stumble back in revulsion. "Now be a good little pet and try not to cause any trouble. We'll be outta here as soon as everything falls into place." He said again. he gave me once last lecherous look before he turned around and walked out of the bathroom. As soon as I heard the other door close and the lock latch, I turned and frantically searched for my phone, which I found face down behind the toilet.

The screen was now cracked from the impact but thankfully the call was still connected. "Kaiden are you there?" I asked, my voice cracking as the panic I was already feeling tried to take hold of me along with another contraction. Even in my distressed state, I knew my contractions were coming too close for comfort. 

"I'm here baby." He said soothingly. I could hear the sound of whatever car he was riding in speeding through traffic. 

"Did you hear him? He said he has to take care of some loose ends to take care of and then he's going to try and take me out of the country. Oh my god, he's talking about hurting our babies! He's insane! And my contractions are coming really fast too."

"Calm down baby. I promise you between myself and your father and brother, he won't even be making it out of the building with you let alone out of the country. Just focus on your deep breathing that we did learned in that class you forced me to take. Everything will be fine and we will get you out of there soon." He said. 

Before I could answer a soft knock came on the door before Susan's face appeared, a fresh stream of blood coming from her nose and a new bruise forming on her cheek. "Melodi we have a problem." She said softly as she stepped into the room. 

I cut her off before she could say anything and flashed her my phone which cause her eyes to widen. "I forgot I had it tucked into the waist band of my yoga pants when I was taken from my house. Kaiden's on the phone and he says they're in route to where ever we are." I told her. 

She got a slight ghost of a smile that quickly faded into a grimace "That's excellent news considering my water broke after that bastard hit me. I'm in labor." She said as another contraction over took us both.

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