Chapter 12

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Hey Lovely People-

Sorry it took me so long to update. I wrote all day on Saturday, then proceeded to rewrite everything on Sunday because I hated everything that I had already written plus I had to work this morning, but the update is here so it's all in the past. This is going to be a Trinity heavy chapter just for your FYI so nothing too interesting is going to happen with Melodi and Kaiden this time.  Also, I just want to thank all of you guys who are reading and enjoying the story. We just hit 1,000 reads and I'm secretly jumping all over my house in excitement. So thank you all again and I'm going to try to update by the end of the week.




After my heart to heart with Trinity and Cassie and confirming my date with Kaiden, I started to actually focus on the task at hand instead of continuing to stress myself out. The one I decided on was one of the newest Ford Escape, another SUV, much to Camryn's dismay. Even after all the paperwork was signed and it being paid for, he was still complaining. 

"I still don't see why you couldn't have just gone with a nice compact. This is too much car for you." He said resting his arm on the top of my head like it was an arm rest. Swatting him away I couldn't help but laugh due to his behavior. 

"Cam will you get over it. I happen to like my new baby and as long as I think I can drive it, which I can since it was not too much bigger my jeep you shouldn't have a problem." I said hooking my new key to my key ring and unlocking my door.

"I just worry about you that's all. I know I come off like a big overbaring jerk but I just want you to be safe." He said shrugging. 

"I'll tell youwhat big brother. Since you're so worried, I promise I will drive carefullyokay. I wont even speed that much." I said hoisting myself into the driver's seat. 

"Melodi, that's not even funny. I'm a cop you know. I can report you for reckless driving and speeding. I can have this bad boy impounded with one phone call." Camryn threatened. Cassie was actively trying to pull him away to go his own car but he was still being stubborn. I just rolled my eyes and closed the door as Trinity climbed in on the passenger side. 

"I swear you would think you just got your license today." Trinity commented pulling on her seatbelt.

"I know. He can be such a negative Nancy when it comes to me doinganything. He'd probably bug my phone- again- and have one of his friends in theundercover unit follow me around if he knew I was going out with Kaiden againtoday. I don't know how Cassie puts up with him." I say as I adjust my seat tothe perfect position and buckle my own seatbelt. 

"It might be my imagination orit could be the fact that the man is fine as hell and from the looks of isextremely gifted with his mouth." She snickered pointing out the window where thetwo were making out. 

I visibly cringed at the sight and her comment. I was noidiot and I knew my brother was extremely good looking but the fact stillremained that he was my brother which meant the thought of him having sex, wascringe worthy.     

"Yuck stop. I could have lived 3 life times with out that disgusting visual." I said before rolling down my window. "Hey you guys can make out on your own time! We've got someplace to be and we don't have a lot of time to be there." I called out to them, effectively breaking them apart. 

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