Chapter 9

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Hey guys!!! I'm so sorry for being MIA for most of May. I've been dealing with a humongous case of writer block and every time I've sat down to write I've had to scrap everything  because it just sounds so mundane, repetitive and all around boring. Despite how I feel about it, I've finally decided to just to sit down and write until I couldn't  write anymore and let you guys be the judge of it. That along with the mass quantities of school work and other things that have started piling up on my plate, I've been swamped. On the bright side, my school year is coming to a close and I'll be on summer break for a few months so I'll have more time to write, that way there won't be huge chunks of time in between updates (insert happy dance here). Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and as always, Read. Vote. Comment. Share


P.S. There will be more coming extremely soon :) Melodi &Kaiden above


"So what is on our agenda for the rest of the day?" I asked him as we walked out of the last exhibit. We spent the better part of the last 2 hours wandering around in the aquarium. Being here brought out my inner child and I had a blast oohing and ahhing over the new exhibits. But I couldn't seem to ignore the fact that I was highly attracted to Kaiden. Whenever he wasn't looking, which wasn't often, I would find myself watching him. When we first met, I got the impression of him being arrogant, and don't get me wrong he was definitely arrogant, but in the short amount of time we've spent together he let me a softer, more relaxed side of him.

"Well I was thinking lunch and then I'm sure we can find something to keep us entertained. I'm not ready to let you go just yet." He said smiling at me. He held out his hand and I readily took it and we set off down the street.

"So if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" he asked me as we bobbed and weaved the crowds that were milling around on the water front, enjoying the day as we were.

"Well I know this is really silly because it's a super common place, but I've always wanted to go to Hawaii. It looks amazingly beautiful from the pictures and I love water, so I know I would have the best time just lounging by the beach or going for a swim." I responded while blushing at my simplicity before asking, "What about you? Where would you want to go?"

"That's not silly at all. I've been to Hawaii a few times an I can tell you it's a beautiful place to visit. If I could go anywhere, I would have to say it would be Italy." He said. I glanced at him patiently waiting on him to continue his explanation. "I know it's weird considering I'm full blooded Italian. My parents are immigrants from Italy, they moved here when they were 17. They had my older siblings when they were 25 and me at 31. I've only been to Italy once when I was 5 and I don't remember much of it. I find it weird that I've been to all these places for work, I identify as this nationality and I speak the language fluently but I have never been to the country to experience anything myself." He explained.

"I can understand that. Its super awesome that you want to know more about yourself and your culture and..." I stopped short and a look of confusion came across my face, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a few people standing not too far from us taking pictures of us.

"Melodi what's wrong?" Kaiden asked me taking in the weird look on my face.

"I'm not 100% sure but I think some one is taking our picture from over there." I said pointing out the man with the camera trying to blend in with the crowd now that I've noticed him.

Kaiden glanced in the direction I gestured to and swore. "Fuck my life I thought I would finally get a break today." He turned back to me and grasped my hand a little tighter "Paparazzi. They love to follow me around." He explained as he tried to pull me further away but I resisted until we came to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk.

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