Chapter 7

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I've been waiting. Plotting the day I could implement my revenge on the people who put me in that hellhole. My bitch of an ex wife is the first on my list. If it weren't for her slut ass, I never would have been put in that rotten place to begin with. And if that bastard do gooder and his whore hadn't interfered, Susan and her little brat would be long gone by now. Knowing what a big cock sucking whore she was the kid probably isn't mine. Yeah I'm defiantly getting rid of her and the kid first.

It's just too bad the do gooder died or else I would go after him for stopping me the first time. I vaguely recalled his family at the trial. I remember his hot as shit sister and a sniveling little kid testifying on the character and life of the do gooder and his bitch. Maybe after I take care of Susan and the brat, I'll look them up. But first things first, I had to avoid being recaptured and I had to find my man Steve. Once I get my head right, implementing my revenge should be easy...


Waking up the next morning with a hangover was not one of my favorite past times. The light filtering in from the rising sun made it 10X worse. I moved from my position on the couch, stretching my stiff muscles, sore from sleeping hunched over all night. I glanced at Trinity, who didn't seem phased by the amount of light pouring into the living room, as she slept at the other end of the couch.

Groaning in displeasure, I stood and pulled the curtains closed before shuffling down the hall to the bathroom. My head was killing me and I felt like at any moment I was going to lose the contents of my stomach. 'I should have known better than to drink with Trinity. Every time, whether it's wine or hard liquor, I always end up hung over the next morning. Luckily for me today is my day off, so I don't have to worry about dealing with customers today. Finishing up in the bathroom, I walked back out to the living room and picked up my phone to check the time.

It was a little after 7:30, which meant that I didn't have to wake Trinity for another hour. Since it was my day off, Trinity and Cassie ran the bakery for me and in order for the shop to open up by 10, I had to make sure she was up in time to start pulling pastries out of the freezer and start frosting cupcakes. A huge yawn escaped me, reminding me just how little sleep I got last night. I would give anything to lay back down and sleep a couple more hours, but unfortunately for me, I'm one of those people where once I'm up, I'm up and there is nothing I could do about it. 

I contemplated getting up and going for a run, in order to do something productive with my time, but decided against it. 'I don't have the energy to go out running. Besides I think my running clothes are still in the dirty clothes basket. And the last time I went running I aggravated my ribs and my hip.' I thought sitting back on the couch, absent mindedly scratching at my cast.

Even though it had been almost 3 weeks since my accident, my body wasn't completely back to normal. The stitches on my temple have finally faded, leaving behind a barely noticeable scar, and the bruises that had marred my skin had faded to a yellowish-green over their previous blackish-purple color. The only thing that still was apparently wrong was my arm. But while the bruises faded, I still had little twinges of pain here and there if I moved too fast.

My phone buzzed in my hand, breaking me out of my reverie. 'Who the hell would be texting me at 7:45 on a Saturday morning?" I thought to myself as I unlocked my phone and opened my messaging app.

KA: Good morning Bellissima. Hopefully I didn't wake you. I would feel horrible if I did, but I just wanted to let you know I can't get you off my mind.

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