Chapter 10

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Hey Guys!! Two updates in a weeks time? Score one for me!! As my writers block slowly dissipates, I've found my inspiration is coming back. I apologize if this chapter is a little short, since I'm still studying for finals. Thanks for all the love, I appreciate it. Like always, Read. Vote. Comment. Share.


P.S Pictured above is every one who has been mentioned so far minus Kaiden's sister Samantha and his ex love interest, Brianna. Don't worry, they will have face to the names as well really soon.

Fucking Susan. That bitch always has to make shit complicated for me. She moved out of the house we had shared together before she had me sent to prison. No body in the neighborhood knew where she moved to which means she knew eventually I would come back to finish what I started all those years ago. It looks like I would have to contact Eddie sooner than I was hoping for. Eddie can find any one, even when they don't want to be found. I was going to call him up to find the family of the man who got in my way the first time. Now since Susan and her brat decided to play hide and seek, I would have to have him find her too.

The only bad part about calling Eddie was the price of asking. Eddie liked to work for favors. If you wanted him to do something for you, you had to do something for him. And there was no time limit on those favors. He could ask you to do it now or it could be days, weeks, months or even years. You never knew with Eddie. 'It's time to get rid of this thing and find a new one' I thought, walking back to the car I had stolen a couple days earlier. The last thing I needed was to be caught over some piece of junk if a cop so happened to run the plates...


"It's about time you came home. It's only been 8 hours since I've last seen or talked to you. I was about to call SWAT and your brother and report you missing." Trinity joked from her spot on the couch. I kicked off my shoes and threw my purse on my recliner before plopping down at the other end of the couch and checking the time. It was a little after 5.

"Ha ha ha very funny. Sorry I didn't text let you know I was still alive. I had so much fun." I said smiling.

"Girl I can tell with those kiss swollen lips of yours. Now dish tell me what happened."

I told her about the time we spent at the aquarium and made sure to stress that no destruction to the exhibits or any animals was caused during my visit. I talked about our lunch date and how the damn waitress kept trying to flirt with him and got pissed off any time I spoke. I also briefly touched on my run in with Levi the photographer.

"Wow girl that's crazy. It still sounds so weird that a man who has billions and billions of dollars in his bank account would take you to the aquarium on your first date. You would think he would show off and the fact that he didn't makes me like him already. It's bananas that you were stalked by the press though. Like seriously who would care that much about someone else's love life." Trinity commented.

"It's exactly what you said. It made him more relatable that he didn't flash his money around. I didn't feel like I was around a billionaire business mogul all day. It felt like I was around a normal guy. We did normal couple things like hold hands. When we talked it wasn't all about him and his business. Actually it was almost like pulling teeth to get him to talk at first. He wanted to know all about me. He didn't pay the waitress or any other woman who was around us any kind of attention. He focused on me and only me. And the thing about the paparazzi, well his job puts him under the microscope but you know how nosey the world is. He did admit and apologize for the reason behind it. He told me he hasn't always been discreet when it come to dating hence the world being nosey. He could have lied but he told me he didn't want our relationship to start off with lies." I gushed.

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