Chapter 8

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Surprise!!!!! I've been trying to write around my busy schedule but with all the stuff I'm doing it's difficult. It also doesn't help that I'm battling a mean case of writers block. The ideas are there and ready to go but trying to put it together to where it makes sense has been a challenge.  I apologize in advance if it seems choppy and unedited. I'm also trying to create an active writing/posting schedule so that I can have new things up here on a regular basis. Thanks for all the support you all have given so far. What did you guys think of my interpretation of Melodi and Kaiden? Keep liking and sharing the story guys. It's all of your support that keeps me coming back to do this.



"So let me get this straight: you're how old and you have a fear of what?" I ask trying to hold back my giggles as we get out of the car. Since it was a warm and sunny day, there were a lot of people crowding the water front today, a lot of them city natives just having a day out and about like use but most of them were tourists trying to get their sight seeing in.

The entire car ride from my apartment our conversation flowed easy. We talked about ourselves trying to get to know each other better. "I'm 25 and I have a deep rooted fear of squirrels. You would too if your older brother used to terrorize you with them when you were younger." He said, hitting the lock on his key chain before coming around so we could cross the street. 

"Camryn used to do things like that to me all the time but by fears are rational things. You know, spiders, snakes and bees? You're the first person I've met who is afraid of squirrels." I giggled.

"Subject change before I freak out and I go cry buckets of tears in my car for the day, effectively ruining my second chance with you. Have you always wanted to be a baker?" he asked me as we made our way down the waterfront boardwalk to the aquarium. 

"I used to bake all the time with my nana when I was little. I fell in love with it. I loved making creations for people and I'll be honest, I have a bit of a sweet tooth. I went to school for business and graduated a few years early, I decided to go back to school briefly to get my culinary arts degree. Then last year my best friends and I opened up the shop and it's just taken off from there." I said, pride from my accomplishments bleeding into my voice.

"That's amazing. You're really young to have gone through all the schooling for that Bellissima." He said in awe as we came to a stop in front of building. 

"I'm 23. I graduated from high school at 17 and I had been taking a lot running start classes at the time so I got to skip a year in college. I graduated a from Stanford head of my class at 20." 

"Wow I'm officially impressed. That's quite a resume Miss Gray. Stanford isn't an easy school to get through. I chose to go to UW even though I could have gone to any school I wanted to because of my parents. My older sister went to Columbia. She didn't want to be like my father, my brother and I and go into business. She's the family lawyer" he said.

"You've mentioned your older brother a few times. What does he do? I'm assuming he works for your family's company with you." I ask innocently. A dark shadow fell across his handsome face and a haunted look glazed over his eyes. 

"My brother passed when I was 12." He said softly. I felt like a bitch for bring up something that was obviously extremely painful for him. 

"I am so sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Its totally and completely cool if you want to cut today short after that." I said trying to back pedal out of the awkwardness of the conversation. 

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