Interlude: Luca & Trinity

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"Oh my god that fantastic. What made you decides to go bungee jumping?" Trinity asked as the instructor helped out of her harness. We had been hanging out for a few months now and I always had a new thrill I dragged her along for. Most of the time, she was screaming and not in the good way she normally does when we're together but in a 'if we make it out of this alive, I'm going to kill you' way. 

"Farfalla, when do I ever need a reason to decide to do something" I asked sending her a grin. 

"Good point. I will say that I enjoyed this one more than jumping out of the airplane last weekend." She said shaking her hair out after taking off the helmet.

I pulled her to me so we were chest to chest and wrapped my arms around her. "So you're telling me you didn't enjoy being pressed up against me while we fell?" I asked in her ear. I felt the shiver run through her body and I smiled again. 

"That was the only part of it that was enjoyable." She responded back, biting her bottom lip. My eyes narrowed at the gesture and she sent me a sly grin. Little minx. She knew I had a thing about her lips. It was one of my favorite things about kissing her. 

"Come on you little tease, let's go get something to eat." I said smacking her on the ass. She squealed and quickly made headed back to where I parked the car. I helped her into the rover, but not before I stole a quick kiss and jogged around to the driver's side. We held hands over the gear shift as I drove us back into the city and debated about where we were going to eat. 

Not for the first time, I found myself staring, enraptured with her smooth dark chocolate skin and her carefree smile. 'Is this the same feeling that Kaiden gets when he's with Melodi? Is this what love feels like?' I asked myself. 'Wait love? Who's talking about love. I like being around Trinity and the sex is amazing but i wouldn't say I'm in love with her.' I corrected.

I enjoyed my bachelorhood too much to tie myself down with one woman right now. Trinity got that and that's why I like her. She hadn't brought up us being exclusive or anything of that nature. It seemed like our arrangement worked better for the both of us. She knew what this was and was fine with that. This isn't love. 




"I'm glad we decided to order in. Now that the adrenaline has started wearing off, I'm suddenly so tired." I said with a yawn as I helped Luc put the last of the food away. 

"The more you do it, the less tired you'll be." he said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. 

"You're so nasty." I said picking up on the double meaning, throwing a dish rag at him that he caught easily and laughed. 

"Yes but you love it." he said. My heart picked up a little at the word love. We had been seeing each other for a few months and had not broached the subject of being an exclusive couple. I love being with him. He was funny, smart, and adventurous. The sex was amazing as well. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before, even with Micah. His cocky attitude pissed me off to the point where I want to punch him but it was all a part of the Luca Delano charm. He made it easy to want to be with him. And I didn't know what to do about it. I didn't want to bring it up in fear of him not feeling the same way.

I also knew I was holding back because the thing with Micah was still so fresh. He had been calling my phone for the last few weeks. I haven't been answering and immediately deleted all the messages he had left. I just wanted to move on from that chapter in my life. "Hey where'd you go just now?" Luca asked waving his hand in my face. 

"Yeah sorry I got lost in my thoughts for a second. What's up?" I asked shaking myself out of the thoughts. 

"I asked if you wanted to watch a movie?" he asked again. 

"Yeah that's fine. What did you have in mind?" he led me the way to the living room and I took refuge on the couch while he started flipping through Netflix. I decided to find my courage and talk to him. 

"What do you want to watch: action or comedy?" 

"I don't care. It's whatever you choose. But before you start the movie, can I talk to you?" 

"Sure Farfalla. What's wrong?" I took a deep breath and fought the nerves I was feeling and just went for it. 

"Well we've been seeing each other for a few months now and I was just wondering what are we?" I sputtered out. 

He looked at me like a deer caught in headlights when I asked. The silence afterwards was so awkward that I immediately wanted to take it back. My curiosity for his answer was the only reason I didn't. 

"What are we?" he asked for clarification. 

"Yeah, are we just friends with benefits, are we a couple or am I just something to pass the time with?" I ask.

"Well... I mean we're friends yeah and we do sleep with each other so that would put us more in the realm of friends with benefits." 

"Oh." I said. I felt like I had just been kicked in the gut. 

"I mean I thought we were keeping this casual. You know no strings attached. It's not like you're in love with me or anything." he continued to ramble. I guess something on my face must have betrayed me and my feelings. 

His face was one of shock and horror. "You aren't in love with me, are you?" I looked down at my lap and started playing with a loose thread on my jeans. 

"I don't know. Maybe. I know I love being around you and that you make me feel like I haven't in a long time. What's so wrong with wanting to be with you exclusively?" 

"Listen Trini, I like you and if I was looking for a relationship, you would be the first woman I would be after. Why can't we just have fun and see where it take us?" He asked.

I noticed he didn't say anything about the possibility of me loving and that just made the feelings I was having even more impossible to handle. I shouldn't have even said anything in the first place, but now that it was out there was no taking it back. I decided that since I started this I would finish it. "I'm sorry that won't work for me. I don't want to be stuck in another dead end relationship. I want more than that." I said. 

When he didn't saying anything, I decided to take myself out of the equation. I got up off the couch and went to shove feet in my shoes 

"Come on Trinity, can't we talk about this?" He said. I shook my head and grabbed my purse, making sure I had my phone 

"I'm sorry Luca. I'll talk to you later." I said before walking out of the house. 

I got on the elevator and walked through the lobby to the street and ordered an uber to take me home. I fought the urge to cry. The whole time he didn't come after me.

That's what hurt the most.

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