Chapter 29

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"Okay enough is enough boy. You aren't going to keep snapping at me like I'm one of your low level employees. When are you going to stop playing and get your girl back?" Regina asked me as she slammed the reports I had asked her for a few minutes ago. More like barked at her. I had been a down right asshole in the two weeks since everything happened with Melodi. I had been calling her dozens of times a day and stopping by the bakery and her house to no avail. Trinity and Cassie turned me away before I could even demand to see her.

Sure I know that it wouldn't take much to overpower the two women considering I had at least 6 inches on the both of them and I outweighed them as well but I didn't want to make Melodi hate me any more than she did. Nor did I want Camryn coming back after me. The black eye he gave me had just lightened up to where it wasn't as noticeable and I didn't want to give him any more reason to try and break my face. 

Thank god that Luca happened to come up at that moment or that fight would have gotten ugly. I didn't mind the sucker punch so much because I knew I earned it but anything else and self-preservation would have kicked in. That also wouldn't have put me back in Melodi's good graces either. Needless to say I've been mad at the world and I've been taking it out on my employees.

I was mad at myself for letting this happen in the first place that was most definitely true. Guilt and self-hatred ate me up. I was livid at my father and Brianna more than anything else though. My dad for being the manipulating asshole he was and Brianna for falling victim to whatever plan he had cooked up to get his way. Melodi just happened to be a casualty in our never ending war. A war that came at too high of a cost.

My mom and my sister were also casualties. I've been avoiding their calls for the last couple of weeks as well. I felt bad that they were being hurt in this war between my dad and I but there was no way around it. Speaking of my father, he had repeatedly called me for the last couple of days as well, but I didn't want to hear anything he had to say to me. Hell he is lucky I hadn't killed him or had him arrested for him drugging me. 

After the shit went down with Melodi, I was so sick I ended up dragging my sorry ass to urgent care. Turn out I had been roofied and been given a large dose at that. I didn't know which one was responsible or how they managed to drug me but I wanted nothing to do with Brianna or my father. I had been trying to call and tell Melodi what happened but I hadn't been able to get through and since she hasn't called me back yet, she hadn't heard the voicemails I had left her either.

The only thing that kept me out of the bottom of a bottle of whisky, was Luca dragging my ass to the gym. That was the only thing keeping me sane. In the last 2 and a half weeks, I had managed to gain almost 15 pounds of muscle weight from the endless hours I spent in there. I was either there or here at the office attempting to work. 

Anything to keep my mind busy. Honestly I felt better at the gym because the physical strain took my mind off the heartbreak. On top of everything else, the cops still hadn't found Anthony Jackson and the media was picking my life to shreds. My entire life was falling down around me and I honestly didn't even know where to begin to fix it.

"So you're going to sit there and pretend like you don't hear me talking to you boy? Don't make me beat you." Regina said popping me upside the head, pulling me out of my own head. 

"I'm sorry Regina, I'm not trying to ignore you. I know I've been an ass the last couple of days," I started only to be interrupted by her snorting but thankfully she stayed silent and let me finish "But can you blame me? My father is so determined to get his way that he went as far as to have me drugged, sent my ex to seduce me and to top it off my girlfriend caught us together and assumed the worst and I honestly don't blame her because I probably would have done the same thing. I got my ass handed to me by her brother, I'm pretty sure her father, the police commissioner, is biding his time until he can have me killed for breaking his baby girls heart and I can't even apologize or talk to Melodi because she won't take my calls. I've also been avoiding my mother and my sister because I don't want them to have to choose a side between my father and I. The only reason I have even made it to work the past few weeks, instead of drowning at the bottom of a bottle, wallowing in my misery, is because Luca has been dragging my sorry ass here." I said, letting everything that had been going on for the past 2 weeks just bubble out of me.

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