Chapter 38

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It had been 3 days since I got the call from RJ that Susan Vega had been kidnapped and there had been no sign of her or Anthony Jackson. All of the officers in the city as well as the state have been working with members of the missing persons division of the FBI, trying to find them before he has the chance to hurt her and before she gives birth to her baby. It has gotten to the point where news outlets across the country were covering the story and the surrounding states were on high alert. 

It didn't help that I was named the next target so everyone around me was tense and on edge. We were all stressed out and in my condition stress was the last thing I needed. I was trying to keep myself from dwelling on it and instead threw myself into things to keep me distracted.

Because of the increased security, the bakery search was on hold for now, so that was out but I was able to finish ordering the things I wanted for the boys' nursery and I got to baby Kaiden (although not much) because he broke his hand. About the worst thing that I had to dwell on was the anxiety of telling my family that Kaiden and I were married. 

I didn't want to think about the looks of betrayal I would get from my mom about depriving her another wedding to plan and I especially didn't want to think about the threats of bodily harm that were going to come Kaiden's way because he hadn't asked my dad for permission before sweeping me off my feet and putting a ring on my finger. I wanted to wait until after the wedding and the babies being born before we started telling everyone and planning our official ceremony but Kaiden didn't want to wait that long for me to change my last name.

Kaiden and I were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie when a thought came to me. "Kai, we haven't discussed baby names." I said struggling to sit up. 

I had been sitting in between his legs with a pair of his gym shorts on and a stretch tank top that was rolled up under my breasts exposing my rounded stomach. Since not much was fitting me now a days, I didn't bother trying to keep the boys under wraps when I was relaxing at home. Kaiden had been engrossed with the movie we were watching while absent mindedly rubbing small circles on my stomach with his good hand and didn't seem to hear me. 

"Babe, did you hear me?" I asked turning as best as I could. He pulled his eyes from the screen and glanced down at me. 

"Sorry Bellissima. What did you say?" "I said we haven't talked about baby names yet. The doctor says I have a greater chance of going into labor sooner since I'm having twins which means my due date is fast approaching. We don't have names for them yet." I said covering his hand with mine, intertwining our fingers.

"You're right. With everything going on he haven't discussed it. What names were you thinking for them?" he asked me while turning the TV off. 

"Well I know I want one of them to be named after you. how do you feel about Kaiden Jr?" 

"Nope. I want them to have their own identities and not have to live under my shadow or feel like they have to be something they aren't to live up to the hype." He said. 

I thought about it before nodding slowly "Okay I guess that makes sense. I still want one of the boys to have your name somehow so I guess for a middle name then. What names were you thinking?" I asked him, leaning back against him as one of the boys unleashed a huge kick, bumping Kaiden's hand. 

"They're football and soccer stars in the making. Let's name them Jack and Daniel after how many cocktails we had the night they were conceived." He said with a teasing smile as he placed soft kisses on my neck. The gesture was innocent, but it didn't take much to jump start my libido and turn me on.

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