Chapter 19

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Sorry for the long wait. I'm In the process of graduating from college so my schedule has been more than a little hectic while I try not fail any classes. Hope you enjoy the chapter and be on the look out for another one this week.


After my talk with the girls at the coffee shop, I came home and immediately got to work making the sauce for fettucine alfredo. Kaiden had told me a few weeks ago that his favorite food was alfredo and I figured with the amount of apologizing I had to do for this morning's freak out I should start with his favorite dish. While the chicken started to sizzle, I pulled down the ingredients to make strawberry cheesecake cupcakes as well. Trinity came and watched me move around the kitchen trying to get stuff done to take over to Kaiden's place.

Sauce on low thickening up and cake batter in the oven, I went to my room to change my clothes, switching from the jeans to my favorite purple sun dress that clung to my body in all the right places. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head and went back out to finish the pasta and make the frosting for the cupcakes. "Look at you pulling out the big guns to go get your man back." Trinity teased as I came back in the room. 

"Do you think it's too much?" I asked biting my lip apprehensively as I checked the cakes in the oven and put the noodles in the boiling water. 

"Girl no. You where that and he'll forgive you on the spot. The food will just be an added bonus." Trinity said as she started helping me out by combining ingredients for the frosting.

"Well my mama always says that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The rest of his emotions are located in the same place minus the need for sex because men always think with their dicks in terms of that." I said reciting my mother's favorite saying from memory as I stirred the sauce and added the noodles to the pot. 

"Your mom always killed me with that, but she is entirely correct. If he does hold out after seeing you in that sundress, then dinner and dessert should definitely win him over. And from there you guys can kiss and make up and then get to the real 'dessert'. You never told me how it went last night." Trinity said wiggling her eyebrows.

"You are so nasty." I said throwing a pot holder at her from off the counter. 

"Girl please. What did I tell you yesterday? I'm living vicariously through and Cassie right now. Are you really going to deny your very best friend all the naughty details of what happened after you and Kaiden left your parents' house last night?" she asked me. 

"How do you even know there is something for me to talk about anyway? Maybe we just went back to his place and cuddled all night." I said trying not to laugh at the lie I just told my best friend.

"Well for one, no woman goes that insane over another woman touching her man unless he really put it down in the bedroom so that in itself tells me that you're lying your ass off." She said giving me a pointed look before continuing, "and two, the hickey on your neck that you thought you were keeping hidden with your hair all day is now completely visible. And since your dress is low cut I can see the ones her left on your boobs." She finished. 

I flushed red because I had forgotten all about those. I noticed the one on my neck earlier at Kaiden's and found the other ones on my chest after I left and had managed to keep them low profile all day by not wearing a low cut shirt and leaving my hair down to cover the other one. It had been working or so I thought but clearly not if Trinity had seen them earlier in the afternoon.

"When did you spot them?" I asked her in defeat, not bothering to try and lie. 

"I saw it earlier at the coffee shop. Cassie didn't see it but you should have known I wasn't going to miss it. Now spill it." she said again with a smirk. 

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