Chapter 18: Part 2

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Part 2 of 3


"So you just left? Didn't stay and talk it out nothing?" Trinity asked me as we sat around the table outside the Starbucks down the street from the bakery. 

After leaving Kaiden's apartment, I walked home, torn in half, part of me kicking myself for getting so angry and the other part kicking myself for not punching Barbie's teeth down her throat. When I walked into the apartment I had Trinity call Cassie and tell her to meet us at the coffee shop so that I could tell them both what happened. 

"Yes I left and came home." I said playing with the wrapper from my straw trying to distract myself from picking up my phone and apologizing to Kaiden and begging him to accept.

"Well if you want my opinion you were both wrong. You shouldn't have gotten so angry and went all super psycho jealous girlfriend on him. If he said he didn't give her the code to get in the apartment then you should have given him the benefit of the doubt. It is entirely possible that she could have gotten the code from his parents or his sister. Didn't you say that he said that his parents wanted him to actually marry this chick? That in itself might tell you that his parent probably gave her the code to get up there. It's not as if he invited her there, because he would be an idiot considering the fact that you were there and spent the night with him." Cassie pointed out to me before continuing on, "But the fact that he let her sit there and talk shit as well as didn't kick her out immediately is a complete no no. It's like he was excusing her behavior and justifying it to you and expected you to be okay with it." Cassie said finishing her mini speech.

Her words managed to make me feel worse about the way I had reacted this morning. I wanted to call and apologize to Kaiden so badly since I had left but my pride wasn't letting me. 

"I fucked up so bad. What if he doesn't forgive me for acting like a crazy woman?" I moaned as I laid my head on the table in frustration. 

"Girl that man is so gone over you that I'm pretty sure aliens can see his feelings from space. Besides you said the sex was good right? just tell him you were momentarily dickmatized and that anything you said and did before the spell was broken shouldn't be held against you. That way he has to forgive you." Trinity said completely serious, causing Cassie and I to break out in hysterical laughter.

While I wouldn't go that far to say something like that, I knew Trinity was right on one thing: however I choose to apologize to Kaiden, it was going to have to be big.

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