Chapter 18: Part 3

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A Few Blocks Away...


"So you just let her walk out?" Luca asked as we sat at the bar in our "incognito" gear trying not to be noticed by the other patrons milling around. I sighed as I took a sip of my beer. 

"Yeah man what the fuck was I supposed to do? She wouldn't listen to me, even after I told her Brianna and I's history. She was like a piccolo petard and once she was set off I couldn't put her out. You would have let her go too." I said defensively. 

"I'm just saying you have to understand where she is coming from. Some strange woman just barged into her boyfriend's house that early in the morning and starts talking shit and instead of defending your girlfriend you made excuses for the other woman before telling her to leave. You would have been pissed off if the same thing had happened and she had some guy come into her house like that while you were there." Luca, who usually provided my voice of reason, pointed out.

Any other time I would have laughed at the fact that a self-proclaimed playboy for life was giving me relationship advice but this time I was irritated because while I knew what he was telling me was right, I didn't want to hear him say that right now, I wanted to be angry. But the thought of any man doing the same thing Brianna did had me wanting to commit murder.

"Whose side are you on anyway?" I snapped back at him causing him to raise his hands 

"Always on yours brother. But I'm trying to get you to understand where Melodi is coming from and fix it, even if it isn't your fault why you both are fighting, before you fuck up your relationship to the point where you don't have one anymore. Can you honestly say that if you and Melodi never spoke or saw each other again after this argument, that you would be completely okay with that?" he asked me as he signaled the bartender to bring us fresh drinks.

The thought of never seeing or talking to Melodi hit me with a strange ache in my chest. I tried to drink it away by taking a big gulp of the beer the bartender had just placed in front of me. 

"No I wouldn't. I like her a lot more than I have any other girl I've dated in the past." I said honestly before asking, "So how do I fix it?" 

Luca shrugged his shoulders, taking a bite out of one of the hot wings the bartender had slid in front of us. "Your guess is as good as mine. But my suggestion would be start with begging. If that doesn't work try jewelry, flowers or chocolate and continue begging."

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