Chapter 24

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Heyyy guys Hows it going?  I don't have a real excuse for where I've been all month, other than I've had absolutely no desire to write/edit.  Writers block is a bitch and a half. Any way I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I'm hoping to put another out Christmas eve or maybe Christmas morning  and another one before the end of next week. I have my work cut out for me so I'm going to get started. Love all of you and thank you so much for your continued support!!!


They always say that you can feel the worst coming before it actually happens. I don't know if it is a change in the atmosphere around you or a gut feeling you get but you always know when something big is about to happen. That's how I felt waking up on Halloween AKA my birthday. I woke up draped across Kaiden's chest, his warmth curled up around me. 

Pale sunlight bled in through the curtains covering his bedroom window. Well actually it was our bedroom window. During my pre birthday celebration yesterday, Kaiden surprised me by asking me to move in with him. He had taken me shopping demanding that I buy whatever I wanted on his dime. He even got mad when I tried to pay for some of the things he made me grab.

I almost got away with paying for myself when I went into Victoria's Secret because he had gotten a business call that he had to take, but right as i went to swipe my card, he popped up out of nowhere and passes the woman behind the counter his card, all while still being on his phone. After that he took me to the spa to have my nails and my feet done along with a full body massage before taking me to dinner where he surprised me with the locket that hung around my neck now. 

It was silver with intricate lines that were designed to look like lace. It had purple diamonds embedded in it, standing out against the silver. It was the inside that really took my breath away. It was a picture of us on one of our most recent date night. It was a selfie I took of us on his couch. On the other side it was inscripted with the words "amore mio, cuore mio, vita mia" which translated to "my love, my heart, my life". It's safe to say that I cried when he gave me that.

When he asked me to move in with him a few minutes later, I was full on crying. After I calmed down, we talked it over and decided that I was going to keep the loft as a part of my rental space and Trinity could stay there. That way she had her own space and didn't have to worry about interfering with us and vice versa. 

Now if I could just get her to stop threatening to cut Luca everytime we hung out as a group, things would be perfect. We had made love the rest of the night and early into this morning before finally succumbing to the exhaustion. The only bad part is I was the only one that had to leave the house this morning since Kaiden was working from home today.

"One of these days, I'm going to come back here and your mind will be down here on earth with the rest of us instead of in the clouds where it always is." Cassie said coming into the kitchen. 

We had just finished the morning rush not to long ago as well as had our first interview to hire an additional helper for the shop. With business being so out of control lately, it was becoming too much for the three of us to handle on our own so we agreed to start looking for another full time worker. 

"Like I understand it's your birthday but are you ever not in la la land?" She asked laughing. 

My response was to stick my tongue out at her. "It's my birthday, I can do what I want." 

"Whatever miss birthday girl. Anyway our next interview is here. There is also another person here to speak to you. He said it's important." she said. 

"Did he give his name?" I asked trying to remember if I had any clients scheduled to come in today. 

"No but he looks familiar. I can handle starting the interview while you deal with him." Cassie said snatching one of the cupcakes I had just finished frosting before heading back up front. Grabbing the dish rag off the counter, I wiped my hands as I followed her out.

You could have blown me over with a light breeze when I caught sight of who was in the lobby area. There was a woman around my age waiting at one of the tables with a stack of papers in front of her and I assumed she was here for the interview. There was a man standing by the counter and the closer I got the more I was able to make out who he was. 

"Mr. Andretti, this is a surprise. Cassie said you wanted to speak to me. Is everything okay?" I asked cringing at the surprise and shock in my tone. 

"Everything is fine, Miss Gray. I just needed a moment of your time to discuss something if you wouldn't mind." He said giving no hint as to what he wanted, but the way his harsh dark eyes were piercing through me, something told me I wouldn't like what he had to say. 

"Sure we can talk in the kitchen. Cassie, I'll be right back." I said throwing a glance where she stood looking as shocked as I felt, before leading the towering man back the way I had come into the kitchen.

"What can I help you with Mr. Andretti?" I asked getting straight to the point. The man had made his opinion of me dating his son clear and well known so the fact that he came to speak to me was a little unsettling. 

"It's more about what you can do to help yourself." he said cooly while pulling a folder out of his briefcase he had stuck on the counter. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" 

"I'm talking about you leaving my son alone. I want you to break up with him and never contact him again. You will be handsomely compensated for your cooperation but more importantly yourself and your family can keep your freedom." Mr. Andretti said. The implication of his words wasn't missed on me and I felt the icy fingers of dread make its way down my spine to settle in the pit of my stomach. 

"What are you talking about keep our freedom?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm and steady despite the inner turmoil I was feeling. 

"Tax evasion, political bribes and working with local drug dealers by helping them move their product. Those are some hefty allegations that could lead to serious jail time." he said, his eyes never leaving mine. 

"That's not even remotely true and we have evidence to support that." I said trying not to let the terror I felt win.

"Well even if it's not true, I have evidence that supports my claims." Mr. Andretti said pointing to the folder he had placed on the counter. "Now who do you think the public will believe? A renowned businessman and a highly respected member of the community or a lowly baker?" he asked, his voice becoming smug. He knew that even if we could prove that whatever made up claims he had against us were false, the damage would already be done. My career as well as that of my friends, father and brother would all be destroyed and our lives would be left in tatters. 

"I see you now understand the magnitude of my power. Now you're going to break up with my son. I don't care how you do it, but get it done. Leave my daughter and my wife alone as well while you're at it. Don't answer phone calls, text messages, emails, smoke signals or anything else. I will be watching and I have eyes and ears everywhere. If you can follow directions, a large sum of money will be wired into your account and this little dossier will go away never to see the light of day or the public eye. Cross me and this will be all over the news by dinner time. Do we have a deal?" he asked me, like he had really given me the option to say no.

Apparently my silence was answer enough for him because his smug grin got even wider. He closed up his briefcase, leaving the folder where it sat on the counter and turned toward the door. "Remember what I said Miss Gray. I'll be watching. Oh by the way, nice necklace." he said over his shoulder before striding out of the room and presumably out of the shop. 

My mind raced as I stared at the folder he left behind that contained the lies he was prepared to use to destroy me and my family. All for loving his son. The panic that I felt rising throughout the whole altercation, continued to bubble up inside me until I felt like I was going to explode. The tears that had been stinging my eyes finally broke free and began sliding down my face. 

I dropped down to my knees and wrapped my arms around myself trying to hold myself together as I began falling apart. Silent sobs racked my body as the weight of the situation I faced came down me like a speeding train.

Some birthday this was.

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