Chapter 35

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"Well at least the apartment wasn't badly damaged." Trinity said as the fire marshal escorted us into the remains of our building.

Thom, our landlord, had already been in to assess the damage for his insurance as well as ours, which I was grateful for. The shop was completely destroyed. Nothing was salvageable with an exception of a few items from the office, which included my recipe book thankfully. While I knew all of my creations by heart, it was always a good idea to be able to glance at the recipe when you needed it. All of our equipment and supplies, furniture, everything was either burned or so water/smoke soaked it couldn't be saved. The structure of the building was even compromised. Thom was already getting offers for the property and it hasn't even been a full 48 hours yet. He hadn't made any decisions yet but he had let us know he was seriously considering selling.

Normally they wouldn't allow us into the building so soon but my dad pulled some strings and got us in. "Yeah I'm thankful too. This is hard enough as it is. I don't think I could bare it if everything was gone." I said softly as I rubbed my stomach softly.

It seemed like my baby bump had appeared overnight. After everyone left the other night, Kaiden called Peter and had him bring some clothes up to the hospital for him, since he refused to leave me, despite my insistence that I would be fine by myself. I was glad he stayed because he got to see the babies on the ultrasound for the first time when they came in to check on them. They were just as active as ever, putting on a show for us and the doctors. They had confirmed that even though I was still small, I was indeed well into my 2nd trimester and that their growth rate was right on track. Dr. Carr expanded on my due date that Dr. Kennedy had given me a little more and gave me one of late April, early May.

After the babies were given the all clear, Kaiden and I stayed up talking about what was going to happen now that I was homeless. We decided the best thing for the moment was for me to move in with him like we had planned a few months ago. If at any point in time, I felt like things were moving too fast or that I was uncomfortable, I would go stay with my parents but in all honestly, I didn't see that happening. Being away from Kaiden had taught me just how much I love him and how much I want to make our relationship work and not only for the sake of our children either. After that conversation, I made room for him to climb in the bed with me after seeing how uncomfortable his tall frame was trying to find a comfortable place on the tiny pullout couch located in my room, which the nurse didn't appreciate at all but we didn't care. When we got up the next morning, it was almost as if I had swallowed a beach ball in my sleep. To say I was excited about all these changes was an understatement compared to Kaiden. He was in full on proud daddy mode and he told me this morning before we left the house that he couldn't wait for my boobs to get bigger.

Shaking myself out of my own head, I continued walking into the slightly charred remains of my apartment taking in the water soaked damage. Luckily for me, none of my pictures that I had hanging on the wall had been touched by the fire or water, nor had any of the boxes with Trinity's stuff been damaged. My furniture was another story. My couch and recliner had black scars covering the surface and a soggy appearance to them. The carpet squished with every step we took and the smell of smoke still hung heavily in the air despite the fire being 2 days ago.

"Come on. We don't have a lot of time in here. We need to gather as much as we can get out of here since I don't know if we will ever be allowed back in, at least for a while." I told Cassie and Trinity. The guys had to work today so that meant Cassie, Trinity and I were on our own with the cleanup and pack up. Peter was there to help as well acting a my body guard as well. He was going to be helping out with the heavy lifting and loading mine and Trinity's stuff into the cars as well.

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