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~9 Months later~


"I have I told you how much I love you?" Kaiden whispered in my ear as we twirled around the dance floor in the dimly lit ballroom that our parents had rented out for our wedding reception. Our lives had been a whirlwind in the last 9 months. It was a struggle getting back to our lives before all the mess with Anthony Jackson had started while being first time parents and trying to recover. We no longer had to watch over our shoulders but it took a while before I felt safe again. 

I had had nightmares for a few weeks after everything happened. It got so bad Kaiden and I had gotten into a huge argument about how I hadn't been sleeping and had been working too many hours in the bakery. I told him I was fine but he didn't believe me and told me I wasn't doing myself or the boys any good by not taking care of myself. He even told me that if I wouldn't go see someone to help with my anxiety and fear, he would hire someone to supervise me with the boys, since the lack of sleep meant that I was an apparent danger to my infant children.

You could bet I screamed down the house when he said that and he spent almost a week on the couch for that one but he was right in the end. Talking to someone did actually help. Between the boys, his physical therapy, my counseling sessions, both by myself as well as couples sessions, his schedule and getting the bakery back up and running, it felt like we were always on the go. 

Things got a little more hectic once we made it through Cassie and Camryn's wedding. His mother and mine got to work planning us a real wedding almost as soon as my brother and Cassie said 'I Do'. We were lucky that they decided not to kill us for eloping the way we did, but their adorable grandsons were enough to soothe their anger and they got to work.

The only thing they let me choose was my dress. They took everything else from the venues down to the very last detail. My dress was a strapless mermaid style dress with a delicate lace overlay. The bodice was a corset hand beaded with crystals and fit me like a glove. My hair had been piled up on top of my head in a deliberately styled bun and to top it off, I was forced to don a real tiara. My only other jewelry was the necklace Kaiden gave me for my birthday almost 2 years ago and engagement ring. My mom put her foot down about me keeping my wedding ring on for the ceremony, despite the fact that we were already married. 

 "Yes you have but it's been a couple hours. Feel free to tell me again." I said giggling as he steered me around my parents, my brother and Cassie and our various other family and friends on the dance floor. Looking around I saw Luca and Trinity having a heated exchange off to the side and Isabella was reluctantly accepting RJ's offer to dance. Scanning the room I found that Maria and Vincenzo had a squirming Nico and Krys in their laps while talking to a few of Kaiden's aunts and uncles. Everyone seemed caught up in the festivities and didn't notice the bride and groom sneaking out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked laughing as he pulled me down the dark hall, the music trailing after us. He guided me through the French doors leading to the balcony that over looked the gardens and a pond. There weren't any clouds so the moon and stars shone brightly in the pale twilight sky above us. 

"I just wanted to get away for a little bit. Today has been crazy." He said rubbing his free hand through his hair. 

"Yeah it has been. But at least it's over." I told him as I leaned into him. 

"That chapter is over but our story is just beginning." he said as he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I rested my head against his chest and reflected on my life. 

We both had successful businesses, 2 healthy children with a 3rd on the way (I found out a few days ago that I was pregnant again. While it wasn't ideal to have another baby bringing our total up to 3 under the age of 2, but I was happy none the less) and we had a loving family and each other.

We had a hard, bumpy road getting to this point right here but we came out on the other side not only stronger but closer than ever. "What are you thinking about?" he asked me. 

I looked up with a smile on my lips "Just how handsome my husband is and how much I love you." I said reaching up to run my fingers through his hair. 

"I love you too." He said back, his hands trailing my sides before settling on my waist. I pulled my fingers from his hair and wrapped my arms around his neck, my heels bring me up a few inches inches so he didn't have to crane down as far to kiss me. our lips met and we both put every ounce of what we were feeling into it: Love, elation, and everything in between. 

As we kissed underneath the stars, I couldn't help but think that as much as I hated to admit it, I had Micah to thank for all of this. If it wasn't for him and Trinity setting me up on that awful date that ended with my accident that fateful night almost 2 years ago, I would have never met the love of my life. We had had our ups and downs but we made it through, for better or worse as long as we were together nothing could stand in our way.

I had taken a chance by playing the game of love and I'm happy to say I won.


Thank you everyone who clicked my story. Even if you hated it, I still thank you for giving it a shot. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me through my less than stellar update history and still came back for more. I love you all more than you know. Please feel free to comment and message me. Tell me if you loved it. Tell me if you hated it. Tell me anything you want I wanna hear your thoughts.  I'll keep everyone updated as to the Untitled sequel's release and even potentially publishing GOL (we'll have to see about that one I have a LOT of editing to do before that could even be a possibility. 

Thank you all again!

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