Chapter 45

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I was super groggy, my head hurt and my shoulder was on fire. I heard someone talking softly in the room with me and a soft baby like coo. I pried my eyes open slowly and saw I was in a hospital room. Memories came flooding back of Anthony holding Melodi both of us firing our weapons at the same time, bring shot and Melodi screaming above me. 

I sat up as quickly as my body would allow me and looked around. I was in a shared hospital room and to my surprise, Melodi was in the bed beside me looking down at a squirming bundle in her arms. "Shhh little one you're going to wake up your big brother and your daddy." She said softly. My eyes were glued to the scene in front of me. 

She was sitting crisscrossed on the bed dressed in a pair of black leggings and a purple tank top, her curly hair piled up on top of her head There were two bassinets next to her bed, one housing another baby with a hat covered head, the other one empty.

"Too late." I croaked out, my voice cracking a bit. Her gaze shot from the baby in her arms to mine and a huge grin broke out across her face. There was a dark bruise across her cheek bone and across her nose but other than that she seemed fine. 

"Hey baby. How are you feeling?" she asked me. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, noting my left arm was tucked against my chest in a sling. My body was protesting moving but I needed to get up. 

"I feel like I've been hit by a truck." I said honestly. 

"Don't try to move too fast. You lost a lot of blood and they had to give you a transfusion." She informed me 'Hmm I guess that's why I'm so dizzy' I thought as I tried to walk across the small space between us. I sat down on the side of her hospital bed and looked down at the little bundle she had in her arms. 

"They look just like you, but they have my eyes. Both of them." She told me as she unwrapped the wiggling baby some and removed his hat so I could get a better look at my son. He had dark wavy hair which was a combination of both of ours and he had a slightly darker completion then myself but he was a spitting image of my baby picture. The only difference was he had the same grey-green eyes as his mother.

I tore my eyes from his little face and looked down at his sleeping brother and took in the fact that they were 100% identical. "He also has my eyes." She said answered my unanswered question. 

"How are we going to tell them apart?" I asked her with a small chuckle 

"Well right now they have on ID bracelets marking which one is which but I wanted to wait and discuss getting them tattooed." She said showing me the bracelet around his tiny ankle with the words 'Baby Andretti B' 

"Tattoo them?"

 "Yeah one of the nurses had told me we can put a little mark on them to make it easier to identify them. I didn't want to make the decision without you." She said to me stroking her finger down the babies face. We were both quiet for a moment before I said softly 

"I wish I had been able to be there." She looked down at the baby for a moment before looking up at me, tears shining in her eyes. " I wish you had been there with me. I was so afraid. I didn't know if you were alive or dead. They wouldn't let me come with you either. They had me come in another ambulance. I ended up having them in the back of the ambulance 5 minutes before we reached the hospital. They were impatient. Just like their daddy. I wished every minute of it that you were the one holding my hand instead of my father." She said.

I reached over and tested my right hand on hers on top of the baby and gave it a squeeze. "I'm here now. And I promise I will never leave you three ever again." I said. She leaned forward and pressed her forehead to mine for a long moment before the squirming baby between us forced us to separate. "So do these little guys have names yet?" I asked her. 

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