Chapter 3

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'My head hurts. Why does my head hurt?' I thought to myself trying to open my eyes. There was a beeping sound some where in the room that was making my headache worse. I went to move my arms but my left arm felt extremely heavy and wouldn't move well.

"Guys I think she's waking up." I heard my brother say to who I would assume my parents. I heard people shuffle and around me and I pried my eyes open. It took a while before the room and my family came into focus. 

"Mom? Dad? Camryn? Where am I?" I croaked out using my right hand to push my hair out of my face only to pull at an IV stuck in my hand.

"My poor little pixie," my mom said wiping tears from her face. 

"Melly Bean you're in the hospital. You were in a car accident. You've been unconscious for the last 12 hours." My dad said grabbing my right hand holding it gently, so that he wouldn't disturb my IV again.

"A car accident?" I ask trying to recall any memory of what happened to me. Nothing was coming to mind really. The last thing I remembered was being at my apartment getting ready for my date. Well that and a pair of extremely sexy brown eyes kept flashing across my mind. 

"I don't remember it. The last thing I remember was getting ready for my date earlier this evening – or I guess I should say yesterday evening." I say deciding to leave out the eyes that I couldn't place a face to.

"Drunk driver. Witnesses say you were turning onto the main road when the guy came speeding up and T-boned you. Your car spun a few times before you were slammed into another car." Camryn said moving closer. 

"Wow I hope no one was seriously hurt." I said still confused as to why I couldn't remember anything.

"Well the woman in the car you hit went into labor about 3 weeks too soon and had a minor bump on her head but other than that you sustained most of the damage." My brother continued. 

"Damage? What kind of damage?" I asked. 

"You have a concussion, which is probably the reason you were out of it for so long and cant remember what happened. You also had to have a couple stitches probably from when you hit your head and you have a few bruised ribs and you bruised your hip too. The worst though is broken arm. You broke one of the bones in your wrist and another one further up below your elbow." My dad told me causing me to glance down at what had been causing the heaviness noticing for the first time the deep purple cast that stopped just below my elbow.

My mom continued to cry as I shifted in bed determined to sit up higher, while trying not to wince and scrunch my face up in pain. "It's okay mama. I'm fine really. Please stop crying." I said moving to brush my mom's normally perfect hair out of her face. 

She sniffled a little before wiping her own tears. "I know that pixie, but I just can't get the fact that had Mr. Andretti not been there we could have last you." My mom said on another sob.

"Mr. Andretti? Lost me? What the hell are you guys talking about?" I ask incredulously. This was turning into one of the weirdest days of my life by far. 

"Mel your car caught fire not long after the crash. From what they're saying is that when that dick wad hit you, he cracked your gas tank. Mr. Andretti was the one who pulled you from the car before it exploded." My dad said quietly.

My eyes widened in shock as I glanced at my family trying to get conformation from mom and Camryn that what dad was saying is true. Before anyone could say anything, someone I would assume is my doctor came waltzing in the room. "Miss Gray, I see your finally awake. I'm Dr. Cho. You gave your family quite a scare. How are you feeling?" he asked coming over to check the beeping monitor next to me. He then proceeded to check my eyes with a flashlight . 

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