Chapter 17*

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WARNING: The following chapter contains explicit scenes recommended for readers 18+.  


"So what really happened last night?" Trinity asked as I sat in between her and Cassie on the swing in my parents back yard. After dinner, Cassie helped drag me outside to pump me for details while my mom cleaned up the kitchen and Kaiden bonded with my dad and my brother over sports. By bonding I mean having an intense debate over whose team was better along with anything else they felt like arguing about which made me a worry a little bit about my boyfriend's safety but I let it go for now. Trinity knew me extremely well so she knew there had to be more to the story than what I told her last night when I called to let her know I wasn't coming home.

They looked at me expectantly and I let out a deep sigh before coming clean. "It went horribly. His mother is the sweetest thing. His sister is amazing; you guys would love her. She actually comes in the shop a lot so maybe the next time she's in there, I'll introduce you to her." I said telling them about the better points of the night first before dropping the bomb on them. 

"Well if it went that well why would you say it was horrible?" Cassie asked. 

"His father is the biggest asshole I've ever met. Even bigger than though who should not be named. When we first got there it seemed okay. Like he wasn't speaking but I figured he was just closed off, you know. But the longer we were there, the worse it got. He wouldn't speak and if he did, it was in Italian so I couldn't understand anything. Then when his mother asked about me wanting kids, he all but called me a gold digger only after his son for the money and social standing I could get from him." I told them.

Their eyes got bigger as the weight of my words washed down on them. "He didn't." Cassie said more as a statement than a question. 

"Yes girl but that's not all. After Kaiden defended me on that front, that man had the nerve to tell me that the shop was a cute little hobby but it was a waste of a business degree. He even insinuated that I had to sleep my way through school in order to get where I am so quickly." 

"Holy fucking hell, you have to be kidding? If not point me in the direction of where to find this old bastard because I'm going to kick his ass. How dare he say that something you worked so fucking hard for was a cute hobby but not legitimate?" Trinity seethed standing up off the swing abruptly, sending Cassie and I swinging backwards with the force.

"Oh I went the fuck off and cussed him out. Kaiden had to pull me away before I jumped over the table and throttle the fuck out of the man. Afterwards I apologized to his mother for disrespecting her, which she promptly waved me off and told me she's looking forward to seeing me again. after that I was so upset over it that I didn't want to come home and rehash it all so I stayed the night with Kaiden." I told them. 

"I don't blame you for cussing the old man out. Just because you didn't use your degree the way he did, doesn't mean yours in any different. And speaking of spending the night with Kaiden, Trinity told me this morning. What happened last night? Did you guys have sex?" Cassie asked me before looking up Trinity who was still standing. "Sit down, so she can tell us what happened already."

"No to answer your question we didn't have sex last night," I started off saying as Trinity plopped back down in her spot then continued. "We wanted to but it didn't happen. He doesn't want to do anything I'm not ready for or pressure me and I guess I'm still nervous it will end up not living you . We ended up going to bed not too long after we got to his condo. But we cuddled all night. I actually ended up on top of him at some point and woke up this morning with his hand on my ass and his dick pressed up against my stomach." 

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