Chapter 25

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I've never understood how so much could go so wrong so fast. I didn't know who to put the blame on more: Brianna, my father or myself. I knew the answer to that. I only had myself to blame for the situation I'm in now but it sounded so much better when I put the blame on the two people who helped cause this mess. 

Taking a healthy swig from the bottle of aged whisky I held loosely in my fingers, I hit her number again. It didn't even ring anymore. It just went straight to voicemail, like it did the other dozen or so times I've called.

I sighed and dropped my phone on the couch beside me as it started ringing again. I barely acknowledged it. It wasn't from the one person I need to talk to the most. I took another swig from the bottle before throwing it across the room, shattering it, sending whisky and glass everywhere. The explosion reminded me of the current state of my life and I couldn't help but laugh at the irony. I was well and truly fucked.

12 hours earlier...

"Dad this is a surprise. How'd you know I was working from home today?" I asked my father as I let him. "I stopped by the office and Regina told me you weren't in the office today. I've told you about how unproductive working from home could be." He said shooting me a disapproving look. 'Oh great here we go again.' I thought as I prepared myself for the argument that was sure to come. My dad and I hadn't been able to have a civil conversation in months and it all stemmed from one thing: my relationship with Melodi.

"I spoke with Enzo this morning. He said Brianna still isn't eating and all she does is cry." My dad started out not bothering to hold back his reason for visiting. He figured if he bugged me constantly, I would eventually bend to his will and get back with Brianna. Even if Melodi wasn't a factor, I still wouldn't get back with her. It took months of being with Melodi for me to realize what I didn't have with Brianna and that was a real connection outside of sex. Our interests were completely different and I couldn't have a real conversation with her about anything other than superficial stuff.

"Kaiden are you even listening to me? Did you hear what I said?" "Yes dad I heard you. I'm sorry to hear that she is having a hard time but what exactly am I supposed to do?" I asked, already fed up with the conversation. "How about you stop running around with that piccola puttana comune and go back to her. I understand the need to sow your wild oats but Brianna is a good girl and for you to hurt her like this isn't fair." My dad said scolding me. 

"Dad I'm not a little boy that you can just order around anymore. I'm not even Gio who swallowed your every word and asked how high when you told him to jump. I'm a grown man who can make his own decisions. Brianna and I aren't meant to be together. We just want different things. As for leaving Melodi, that's not going to happen. I love her and in all honesty, I plan on making her my wife sooner rather than later. I need for you to understand that and learn to accept her. This is non-negotiable. And if you don't want to lose your only living son, you will not press me on this." I said letting the irritation I was feeling show.

Every time I'm around my dad, he brings up the situation with Brianna and frankly I'm beyond sick of it. He needed to understand that I wasn't going to bend to his will just because he didn't like who I chose to be with. He didn't say anything else on the subject, instead turning the conversation to work. He asked me about the latest status of the accounts the company dealt with and how we were handling the fallout from the embezzlement scandal. I

'm sure he knew all this information since he was still on the board of trustees but it made him feel like he was still a part of the day to day operations when he heard the information first hand from me. He didn't stay too much longer but before he left, he gave one last parting shot "I'll leave the situation with Brianna alone for now. But you need to cut ties with that woman immediately. She isn't good for you and the sooner you realize that the better off you will be. Also your mother would like for you to come to the house and visit soon." He said as he walked out the door.

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