An Interlude*

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Merry Christmas! (Or for those that don't celebrate happy holidays) I hope all of you have a great day! This isn't really a specific chapter more as another interlude. It's not geared towards a specific person either since we have two characters in this one but it's also an important part because it's leading into what's happening later :) if this looks a little weird or unedited, it's because I'm posting from my phone since I had to work today. I'll go over it when I get home from work. My goal is still to have another chapter up by the end of the week and if I'm lucky one more before the end of the year so I have my work cut out for me.
Hope you all enjoy


"Oh my god! Yes! I'm almost there don't stop please!" I called out breathlessly as my date pumped into me harder. The sensations and feelings he had me feeling were like nothing I had ever experienced before. At some point it had gotten so intense that I didn't know if I wanted him to stop or keep going. I'm pretty sure that if he stopped, I would die. Either that or I would kill him.

"Are you going to cum for me, butterfly? Huh? Are you going to give me what I want?" his deep voice growled in my ear, pulling tightly on my hair. The pain only added to the pleasure I was feeling and I let out a whimper as I bit down on his shoulder causing him to let out a rough groan.

Our climaxes were hurtling toward us at a speed I wasn't prepared for. I had one hand wrapped in his short hair and the other hand held on tight to the sheet beneath me as my building climax started claiming my body. "That's right, butterfly cum with me." he said through clenched teeth before pressing kisses from my neck to my jaw. "Oh my god Luca!" I cried out my whole body tensing up as I came. "Fuck bella farfalla." Luca groaned with his own release before collapsing beside me. We both laid there trying to catch our breath. He pulled me into his side and I couldn't help but lay my head on his chest.

This was outside of our normal routine. We had been seeing each other for the past couple of weeks ever since we had done the last group date night and our sessions had never involved cuddling afterward. As the only single ones, we were constantly thrown together whenever we hung out as a group with Cassie, Camryn, Melodi and Kaiden. Luca being the cocky asshole he is thought he could charm his way into my bed easily and I let him know that wasn't happening real quick.

He used to call me his little gattino (kitten) because he knew it got on my nerves but after we started hanging out on our own, he began calling me his bella farfalla or his beautiful butterfly. Us sleeping together was supposed to have been a one time thing. The first time it happened we had both been half drunk off our asses after game night hosted at Kaiden's place. Luca was supposed to wait with me while we waited for Kaiden's driver to arrive to take me back to Melodi's apartment but one thing led to another and I found myself in his apartment, where we had sex in every position imaginable until well after dawn.

We both agreed that it could only happen once and could never happen again, but not even 24 hours later we were back in his bed and I was riding him like he was my personal stallion. After the 4th time, we gave up all pretenses of it just being a one time thing. We didn't have a label on it but we hung out all the time, whether we were with our friends or not. When we weren't able to meet, then we were always on the phone with each other or texting back and forth. He made me feel things that I had never felt before, not even with Micah. With him, I always felt like I had to be a certain person.

With Luc, I felt like I could be myself. My weird quirks and smart mouth was actually a turn on to him and made him want me more. The good part about no labels on our relationship meant that I had no expectations for this and no feelings were involved. The bad part was that he made it easy to want to get feelings involved. There was more to Luca Delano then he let on.

Despite how comfortable I was laying there against his chest, I knew I had to get up and start getting dressed to head home and get ready for Melodi's birthday celebration. I slowly began to pull away from his warmth, enjoying the deliciously sore ache in my muscles. Before I could get far, Luca wrapped his arms back around me and pulled me in close to him again. When I shot him a questioning look, he just kissed my forehead and said "Stay." before closing his eyes again. Giving him a small smile, I snuggled in as close as I could get to him and settled in for our afternoon nap, being lulled to sleep by the sound of his heart beating, thinking I could get used to this.

Yeah I was definitely in trouble.

The sound of Jason's phone ringing pulled me out of the nightmare I was having. Anthony had managed to find us and had not only killed Jason and our son Oliver, but he somehow convinced Danny to come after me. I shot up right as the knife plunged into my stomach, gasping for air. It took a minute for me to calm down and realize I was in no immediate danger, my daughter kicking wildly, from my adrenaline rush. Jason sat up and blindly grabbed for his phone, somewhat oblivious to my distress at the moment.

"This is Vega." he grumbled out as he answered the phone. I couldn't hear who was on the other line but whoever it was was giving bad news. "What the fuck do you mean set it on fire? Does he know that she doesn't live there and hasn't since then?" Jason yelled shooting up out of the bed. I looked at him trying to find out what was going on but he ignored me and continued to listen to the other end. "Was the family that owns it hurt? Thank goodness. And you said that the tip line has been blowing up with sightings? Keep an eye on the place. If you can discreetly talk to the owner about the case and getting her to call us if he comes in again so we can get him off the streets once and for all do so. If not then just keep watch and catch him when you can." He said to the person on the other line. The call ended a few seconds later and he let out a huge sigh of frustration. 

"Jason what's wrong?" I asked him sitting up in the bed. He looked as if he was wrestling telling me about what happened but decided to anyway. "Someone set fire to the house you used to share with Jackson. We're pretty sure that Jackson himself did it, thinking you still lived there. A man fitting his description had been seen in the area." He said. My mind was reeling at the fact that this man was stopping at nothing to hurt me. "Was anyone hurt?" I managed to choke out clutching my pregnant stomach at the thought of anyone else dying because of me.

"No the owners are out of town at the moment. They were in the process of moving out of state so luckily the house is mostly empty since most of their belongings are at their new place." I let out a sigh of relief knowing that no one was hurt. "They also let me know that a man matching Jackson's description has been frequenting a bakery in the Capitol Hill neighborhood a lot. Their going to set up a sting operation to see if they can get a confirmation that it is him and take him into custody. It's almost over." He said getting back in the bed. I settled back against his chest and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't help the feeling on uneasiness that washed over me. Anthony was a lot smarter and a whole lot tricker than they gave him credit for. He wasn't going down without a fight. I just hoped that no one would get hurt in the process.

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