Chapter 28

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'This can't be happening, this just absolutely can't be happening!' I thought to myself as I quickened my pace, almost sprinting through the busy Walgreens aisles, briefly glancing up at the numbers, trying to find the one that housed the product I was looking for.

My stomach rolled and clenched even harder at the thought of what I came to buy, but I pressed on through my unease. I finally found the aisle I was looking for and quickly made my way down toward the middle looking over each and every item before I found my holy grail.

I snatched the box off the shelf, not caring which one I grabbed, making a mad dash to the front counter to pay. The entire time I was up there waiting in the line, I just kept praying that my disguise would keep people from recognizing me. The last thing I needed was the media catching wind of this before I could confirm it myself.

Luckily no one was paying that much attention to me as the cashier rang my purchase up, too content to go along with his or her own lives and for that I was grateful for. Maybe for this one short moment I could finally have some privacy. Transaction done, I took the small brown paper bag that housed my future in it and looped back through the store toward the back wall, where the doors were for the bathrooms. I couldn't wait until I got home to find out my fate.

I found one of the female employees in the cosmetics area and begged her for the code to unlock the bathroom door. I guess she took pity on my panicked state and gave me the code to get in. The dread that had been rolling around in my stomach settled in a tight ball as I entered the 4 digit code and walked through the bathroom door, ripping open the box as I went. I didn't bother to pick up the instructions as they fluttered to the ground because I would assume these things are self-explanatory so I didn't need them anyway.

The stench from the people who had used the bathrooms before me wafted faintly in the air. The horrid stench of urine, fecal matter, B.O and stale alcohol mixed together with the smell of cheap perfume was enough to turn one's stomach but I chose to ignore it and focus on the matter at hand.

I did what I had to do and waited anxiously as the few minutes ticked by that would decide the rest of my life. The timer on my phone went off and I took a deep breath, trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever I was about to see, before glancing down at the small piece of plastic in my hand. It seemed like time stood still as the results I was dreading popped up on the screen. The word "pregnant" sat there on the tiny screen flashing as if I hadn't seen it the first time.

I slid down the wall behind me to sit on the dirty, sticky bathroom floor surrounded by used paper towel and leaves that had been tracked inside by previous occupants and what I hoped was a mud stain. I dropped the test on the floor next to me and pulled my knees up to my chest leaning my head against them as the first of the tears started to run unchecked down my face.

My situation was all kinds of fucked up. My business was being threatened by a megalomaniac, the love of my life cheated and left me heart broken and to top it all off, I'm pregnant with his baby. I didn't think I could take anything else going wrong in my life.

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