Chapter 37

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After my meeting let out, I got a text on the way back to my office from my dad asking me to come to the house to see him. He didn't tell me what he wanted but he did make it sound urgent. I hadn't really spoken to him since the night of the disastrous dinner, not from lack of trying on his part. He had been calling and messaging me since that night, begging me to talk to him and more recently checking in on how my mom was doing. 

She had been staying with my sister since that night and had made sure that I as well as Melodi knew she in no way shape or form felt the same way my dad about our relationship. I know she misses him and wants to go back home, but I know she also wants him to realize that we are his family not mindless puppets he can bend to his will. Helping Melodi prep for the babies has at least distracted her from everything going on to an extent.

My phone buzzed again and I was expecting it to be either Melodi or my dad again but was surprised as well as anxious to see Jason Vega's name pop up. "This is Kaiden." I said as I answered the phone. 

"He took her. That motherfucker took my wife and my unborn child. The plan changed. I'm going to kill that bastard even if I die trying." Jason said wasting no time with a greeting. My heart skipped a beat for a second as his words sunk in. I made it to my office and mouthed for Regina to hold my calls before closing the door. 

"What the hell happened? I thought we had Susan on 24 hour security." I said. 

"We did. My guy who was her guard today was apparently slacking off on the job and didn't see him come up. He grabbed her, shot my guy and threatened to shoot her in the stomach to get her to cooperate, knocked her out and put her in the car. Someone followed him for a while but lost his trail in the middle of the busy traffic. We've got an APB out on the car, Jackson and Susan, but he also left a note behind. He said Melodi was next and that we couldn't keep her from him too much longer." Jason told me.

My blood ran cold at the mention of him trying to get to Melodi. I had spared no expense and James had spared no man power to keep her safe. She had round the clock protection, even when we were in the condo and I had personally been one of the people to interview the men so I knew they were on top of their game. 

But that being said it was clear that Anthony Jackson had no fear of anything or anybody if he was bold enough to kidnap Susan in broad daylight. "Fuck. This is bad. This is really bad. What are we going to do?" 

"My first priority is getting my wife and my daughter back. That fucker is going to die slowly for this. If one hair on her head is harmed I'm willing to do a life bid for killing him. Keep your security on Melodi tight. I'll keep you updated." Jason said before hanging up.

Before I knew what I was doing, I had punched my fist through my office wall. The biting sting was only a mild distraction to the blind fury I felt burning within me. how many more times was Anthony Jackson going to destroy our lives. He had already abused Susan almost to the point of death, killed my brother, his fiancé and their baby and now years later he was not only still terrorizing Susan and my family but he was also after Melodi too. 

This had gone on for too long. Something had to give. Pulling my fist from the wall I observed the damage to both the wall and my hand. I had managed to punch through the plaster and hit the stud within the wall. I knew automatically I broke a couple bones in my hand as well as left a giant chunk of wood imbedded in one of my knuckles. The sight of my ravaged hand didn't do anything to alleviate the fire I felt running through my body.

Sighing, I backed away from the wall and walked back to my desk and grabbed a couple of tissues from the box I keep there to help stem the bleeding. I knew this would require a trip to the ER and I wanted to punch the wall again for my stupidity. Gathering my briefcase and my phone as best as I could without getting blood everywhere, I walked out of the office. 

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