Chapter 33 Pt.1

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I woke up to the smell of something burning. I hadn't been sleeping very long either so I was irritated. It had been a hard day in the shop and I was completely exhausted. I had several people cancel orders and had to deal with them screaming about their deposits being nonrefundable. 

On top of that my morning sickness has still been going full force, egged on by the stress of having security in the bakery on the lookout for Anthony. I wanted nothing but to cuddle with Kaiden and sleep for a while. The burning smell was becoming more pronounced and I forced myself to get up, hoping like hell I hadn't left one of the ovens on in the bakery again.

Making my way quickly out of the apartment it didn't take me long to figure out something was wrong. Dark, black smoke was billowing around the corner of the building and moving high into the air. Racing down the stairs and around the side of the building, I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched the smoke come pouring out of the front window of my shop. 

There was a crowd of people standing across the street and I could hear the sirens off in the distance so that let me know someone had called 911 already. The flames were already so massive as they began to eat away at everything in its path. I ran back to the apartment to grab my phone and my bag. I noticed the flames licking at my living room wall, the haze of smoke filling the apartment. I was frantic at that point. There was so many things I wanted to grab, photos and other treasured items but I knew I had to get out, if not for me, than for my babies.

Covering my mouth and nose with my shirt to avoid inhaling as much smoke as possible, I went further in, trying to remember where I left my purse and my phone. It didn't take long for me to track down my purse and I quickly found my phone on my dresser in the room. It didn't take long for the smoke in the apartment to become as dense as it was outside. 

The thin cotton of my shirt was no match for the smoke and it didn't take long for my nose and throat to start burning. I was trying desperately to get back out of the apartment while keeping an eye out on the growing flames. I heard the sirens continue to blare as the first responders arrived to put out the burning fire. 

I made it out of the house coughing and gasping for fresh air. "Hey we have somebody here! Get medic one here now. Miss are you okay? Are you hurt?" A firefighter asked me. 

I couldn't answer as I struggled to breathe. He helped me out to the street where there were several fire units trying to put out the fire. The medic unit rushed right over to me with a stretcher and quickly worked on getting me on oxygen while the firefighter who assisted me led a team back towards my apartment to put out the fire that had begun spreading.

"Miss what's your name?" The female medic asked me as she helped guide me on to the stretcher. 

"Melodi... Grey..." I managed to gasp out. 

"Okay Melodi, do you have any medical conditions that we need to know about? Asthma or heart conditions? The smoke is really bad and we want to take you in just to be safe and we need to call it in" She asked me as they situated me in the back of the ambulance. 

"I'm... pregnant... with twins." I got out. 

"Shit... dispatch, we've got a victim coming from the building fire on Broadway with possible smoke inhalation. She's pregnant so we're requesting the obgyn department be on standby." The make tech said into his walkie talkie. 

As the ambulance began to pull away from the burning building, my heart constricted. My dream was going up in flames literally right in front of my eyes. My mind was spinning out of control and my breathing became more erratic than before. The only word that kept coming to mind was why. Why did this keep happening to me? All these thoughts kept racing through my head making it harder than ever for me to breathe. 

"Shit she's having a panic attack! Miss, I need you to calm down and try to breathe. Just try to relax." the EMT said. 

Relaxing was the last thing I wanted to do right now. Everything was whirling out of control. I prayed my babies were okay and that Kaiden would be here beside me when the smoke cleared.


Hey guys! I wanted this up last night/early this morning but that clearly didn't happen. My job schedule has gotten really complicated as of late, so it's been hard to actually stay up and write but I'm going to make it work. My goal is to be finished with the book extremely soon and starting one of the spinoffs (yes I said spinoffs ahhhhhhaaaa!!) I've also got a couple of other story ideas that I'm ready to get off the ground and begin the framework for. 

But enough of all the shop talk, what did you think about part one of the chapter? The bakery is going down in flames. Who do you think is responsible: Tony, Vincenzo or Brianna? Or do you think it was a freak accident at the wrong time? Leave your guess in the comments and I'm hoping for pt 2 to be up by Sunday night.

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