Chapter 32

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Things had been going more okay with Melodi the last couple of days. After our heart to heart conversation, it was almost like we were back together but I could tell that she was holding back. She didn't touch me the way she used to and the moment I touched her in anyway other than platonically, she stiffened up and moved away. 

I knew she was still afraid of the sick power hold that my father had tried to put on her. That hold was going to change as of tonight. My mother had put her foot down in terms of of my avoidance and left me a scathing voicemail saying I had better show up to family dinner tonight, she would come and beat me within an inch of my life.

That's how I found myself pulling into my parents driveway. I steeled myself to deal with the coming battle ahead and got out. Rosida was waiting for me when I walked up onto the porch. 

"Ohhh you're in so much trouble." she said as she gave me a quick hug. 

"Yeah, yeah I know." I said hugging her back before making my way through the foyer to the dining room where I heard my family conversing. I walked in and the conversation stopped. 

"Well, Well the prodigal son arrives. Nice of you to show up." my father said coldly. I bit my tongue to avoid saying something and rising to the bait that he set out. I, instead turned and greeted my mother, who turned her glare from my father and gave me a brilliant smile. 

"My boy, you're here." 

"Hi mama , how have you been?" I asked as I kissed her cheek and took my seat across from my sister. 

"Better now that my darling baby boy has decided to grace me with his presence." she said laying the biggest guilt trip. 

"I'm sorry mama. I've just been going through some things, especially after the situation between Melodi ." I told her as I started putting food on my plate. 

"I know all about that, not from you of course. The media has been covering it nonstop, but you know how those vultures lie. So what happened?" she asked.

I looked at Isabella for help and she thankfully read my mind "Mama I don't think he wants to talk about that right now." She said. 

My mom smacked herself in the forehead. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry. I wasn't even thinking let's talk about something else. How are things going at the office?" I was thankful for the safe topic. I knew my mother would find out why Melodi and I weren't together anymore and the circumstances behind it but I didn't want to concern her with it right now. I had already decided that I would have it out with my father in private. 

Before I could answer her, my father cut me off. "I, for one, am glad he is finally rid of that little gold digger. Now he can finally get back on track." he said stuffing a piece of meat in his mouth. 

"Vince how can you say that? Melodi is a lovely young woman and she made Kaiden happy." 

"He's too good for her and she knew it. Better they end it now than try and end it later after they've been married and he comes to his senses." he continued casually. My father's callous words broke the dam that had been holding everything back and I opened my mouth without thinking. 

"Is that why you threatened her?" I asked putting my fork down.

My sister shook her head as if to tell me now was not the time, but I ignored her. My father looked like a deer caught headlights. "What?" he managed to choke out. 

"You heard me. Is that why you threatened to have her business shut down and have her and her family arrested on trumped up charges if she didn't cut all contact with our family? Why you had her followed to make sure she didn't have any contact with us?" I spat him. 

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