Chapter 31

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After confirming that it had indeed been Anthony Jackson who had been frequenting the shop, Rylan decided to call the family and some of his coworkers in the department over to come talk strategy as to how to catch him. While he was on the phone, Cassie and Trinity managed to get what happened at the doctor's office out of me and to say they were excited was an understatement. 

"Twin boys? Damn Mel, when you do an oppsie, you really do one. Your brother and your dad are going to be over the moon." Trinity said. 

"Not to mention Rylan, Jeremy and the rest of the gang." Cassie said mentioning Camryn's other best friend.

"Listen you guys can't breathe a word of this to anyone until I figure out how I'm going to tell Kaiden. I don't even know what he is going to say about this. We were always careful but..." I started to say until a memory bombarded me. The night of the charity gala. I couldn't remember if we had used a condom or not and if I was around 4 and a half months, then that put me getting pregnant right around there. "Anyway, we had talked about having kids but it was thinking along the lines of a few years from now, not 6 months in. We also weren't thinking that he was going to be in a relationship with another woman either." I finished darkly. 

"Don't remind me. Whenever I see this Brianna chick, she's still got an ass kicking coming for being a home wrecking, desperate cow." Trinity said looking down at her phone and smiling. 

"And just who are you talking to missy." Cassie teased. 

"Oh no one." She said bashfully. I'm pretty sure her chocolate complexion would be flushed red if it could. 

"Oh so is No One the reason you have been coming home so late the past few days?" I asked teasing her. 

"Okay fine. So he's not no one. I've been... seeing this super amazing guy. He's sexy, he's smart, he's funny. I think I really like him." She said with a sad smile. 

"Okay and why do you sound so sad about it.?" Cassie asked 

"Things are... complicated right now. It's not the best time for us to get in a relationship. Plus, I guess I have left over insecurities from the whole Micah situation and I don't even know if he wants to be in a relationship at all." She said. 

"How are things complicated? I hope it doesn't have anything to do with you helping me get through this thing with Kaiden. And you're an amazing person. if he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you then he doesn't deserve you." I told her.

Before she could answer, the bell over the front door dinged. I looked up, expecting to see Rylan, Camryn, my parents or one of the guys from the squad. I wasn't prepared for Isabella to be standing there. It had been a while since I had talked to her. Ever since Kaiden and I broke up, I had been dodging all of her calls and I know the girls have been doing the same. I felt bad for avoiding her but I needed space from the whole Andretti family. 

I had even been avoiding Maria's phone calls as well. "Isabella what are you doing here?" I ask her walking away from the table where we were huddled. 

"I need to speak to you." she said walking further into the shop toward me. It hurt to see her because looking into her eyes was liking staring into Kaiden's. They shared the same soulful chocolate brown eyes that I loved and secretly hoped at least one of the boys got the same color.

"Isa, now's not exactly a good time..." I started to say. 

"Please it won't take but a couple minutes." She said. I glanced over at Trinity and Cassie and they both nodded before turning my attention back on Isabella. 

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