Chapter 23

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. That hot piece of ass from that bakery I had been frequenting was on TV. She looked hot as hell in the dress she wore, with her hair pulled up and her tattoos on display as she smiled for the camera. It wasn't so much as seeing her walk across my screen at some gala as I flipped channels as I watched TV in the motel I had been hiding out in. It was who she was with that blew my mind. Kaiden Andretti. Sure he had gotten taller and slimmed out from the pudgy little bastard he was when he, combined with his family, helped Susan's bitch ass put me in jail but he still looked the same. I smiled as I watched them continue to smile and act lovey dovey for the camera as they walked down the red carpet as the plans started formulating in my head.

I leaned down and snorted another line of coke that I had chopped up and lined up on the small table in front of me. I was going to start with Susan's cunt ass and that brat of hers first but I wasn't opposed to changing that plan around. I was going to get the Andretti's, starting with the crown prince himself. And his little girlfriend was going to help me do it.


It had been a crazy couple of weeks. Ever since the gala the shop had been busier than ever. Now that it was out that I was Kaiden's girlfriend, I had an influx of customers. A lot of them happened to be the press looking for the latest scoop, trying to get any information they can about me and my relationship with him. Another portion was people who wanted to use my connection to him to their advantage. Business connects who wanted to get in good with him and his company, people who wanted to business with him but their calls weren't being put through, women who wanted his money or to be hooked up with his friends. Those ones usually got cussed out and sent upon their merry way. The last set were people who were actually curious about my skills as a baker and the recipes I've come up with and have literally been buying every pastry I've made in mass quantities because they can't get enough. We've gotten so booked out that, the girls and I have been thinking about hiring more people to help out.

"Listen, all I'm saying is the next time you and Mr. Lover boy decide to go public like that, let someone, anyone know so the rest of us can take a vacation." Cassie said as the 3 of us plopped down on my couch after closing down the shop. All 3 of us had been up and running since 4 AM and we were crazy exhausted. 

"I agree, this has been insane Mel." Trinity said. 

"I know guys, I'm sorry. We didn't expect things to be this bad." I said leaning my head back on the couch. I really did feel bad that they were running themselves ragged trying to keep up with the growth of the shop. 

"Aww we're just teasing pookie face. We work hard so we can play even harder. You shouldn't feel bad for being happy, even if we are swamped. I've already started creating our advertisement to see about hiring a couple of extra hands so that we can keep up." Trinity said as she pulled my head to her shoulder.

"Okay, Okay enough about work. We have pizza coming, wine in the fridge and dozens of wedding plans to go over so we need to get started." Cassie said gesturing to the pile of wedding magazines and other stuff we had sitting on my coffee table. Due to Camryn's pushing, she had finally settled on a date for the big event, May 5th, but otherwise they had gotten little else done. Cassie had decided to rope us into helping her coming up with something to show Camryn, who threatened to drag her to Vegas if she didn't start planning. Naturally I was in charge of making the cake, so that was one less thing that she had to look for.

"Well it would help if you told us what you're looking for. Do you have colors in mind? Venue? Guests?" Trinity asked as she snatched one of the note pads off the table and started jotting down notes. 

Game Of Love (Under Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora