Chapter 22*

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"Welcome back to the States, Mr. Andretti." The woman who was working the customs counter said as she checked and stamped my passport and handed it back. I thanked her before turning and heading for baggage claim. It had been a long 2 weeks, full of nothing but bullshit and putting out fires that should have never been lit in the first place. Turns out the head of operations leading the European office was a bumbling idiot who had been fucking up accounts and embezzling money out of the company for the last few months. The man had a cocaine problem and decided that the company should be the one funding his habit.

After kicking his ass and pressing charges, the majority of my time was spent fixing what had been messed up and reassuring clients that their money was safe/ in the process of being recovered. When Regina called me to remind me about this charity gala, it was the last thing I wanted to do. All I wanted to do was come home, curl myself around Melodi and sleep for 3 days straight. But Regina informed me that it would be bad publicity for a big donor like myself to miss the event, so I have no choice but to go. Because of the issues I had faced in Europe, I didn't even have time to take a nap before going to pick up Melodi. I would be lucky enough to get a shower before it was time to leave.

"Man I am so fucking happy to be home." Luca said catching up to me. "Who are you telling. That was exhausting. Remind me to check in on that division more often. That was a complete shit storm. I've got so many clients I have to call back and reassure that their money is safe and now the board wants answers." I said with a groan as I grabbed my bag off the conveyor belt and waited for him to do the same. "I'll be the first one to help after I sleep for 3 days straight." "Lucky bastard. I have that children's hospital event to get through tonight before I can sleep. I'm on my way to pick up Melodi as soon as I change. I'm looking forward to seeing her." I said as we get out of the terminal, searching for Peter while ignoring the press that has staked out the airport trying to get a good story.

"More like your looking forward to getting up under Melodi. You've been a grumpy son of a bitch the last 2 weeks. I personally think it's because you haven't gotten any since before we left. The lack of sex has clouded your brain." Luca said. He was right, I had been a little on edge the past couple of weeks. I wouldn't deny that for the first time, my life wasn't completely devoted making the company more successful than it already was. I looked forward to enjoying my personal life. It didn't hurt that the sex with Melodi was mind blowing and the last time I saw her, we got interrupted.

"Whatever Stronzo." I said as we slid into the privacy of the limo before we continued our conversation. "But in all seriousness, I love her. That woman just does something to me and I never want it to stop. When I'm with her, I never want to leave and when I'm not with her all I want to do is be around her. I'm in deep man. And if you ever tell anyone we had this conversation, I'll lock you in a room full of clowns making balloon animals and a dozen or so chickens." I said. Luca had been afraid of clowns since we were little after seeing the movie "It". It was right around that time that he ended up being chased by several chickens while on a class trip to the petting zoo. He hated the birds ever since. "You wouldn't dare." he said with his eyes narrowed.

I wouldn't but he didn't need to know that. "Wouldn't I?" I asked with a raise of my eyebrow. "Fine I won't say anything about you being a pussy whipped fool." He said "But I get it. She's good for you man. You've been happier with her around. She's nice, funny, she actually likes to be around your friends-and you know what a mess we all are- and thinks your family is great. Plus she isn't after your money since she makes her own and caters to your sweet tooth. In all honesty, you could be doing worse. You could still be trapped with Brianna." He pointed out with a shudder. I shook my head with a chuckle. "Anyway speaking of Melodi, what do you know about her friend Trinity?" he asked. "Not a lot. I know that she just got out of a long term relationship a few months back and that she owns a 3rd of the bakery but other than that I don't know much. Why are you interested?" I asked him as the limo. "Yeah she's hot as fuck. And she's fun to piss off too. It makes her even hotter." He said with a grin.

Game Of Love (Under Editing)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα