Mithross hahaha I have a problem please send help

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"Ross! Where the fuck is my Nickleback t shirt?!" Max yelled from his room, rooting around in his cluttered drawers, rummaging around through grey and black fabric.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?!" Ross shouted back from downstairs.

"Shit! Fine! I'll just wear something else." Max grumbled, more to himself than Ross, pulling out a plain black tee.

Downstairs, Ross nervously shoved a hoodie over his head to hide the fact that Ross had stolen Max's shirt. It was a bit tight on him and rode up in certain places, but Ross wanted to wear it for a reason he could not understand.

"Hurry up!" Tim Tim shouted, jingling the keys for the car as he opened the front door of the apartment. "Coming!" Max shouted, dashing down the stairs. Ross blushed nervously, feeling vulnerable under the gaze of his friend. For some reason, even though he knew that Max could not see the stolen shirt underneath his hoodie, the guilt making him feel transparent. Like Max could see right through him. Max however, paid no mind to Ross or his flushed face. He strode briskly past him on his way out, making Ross shiver lightly.

Tim noticed, but said nothing, smiling to himself. Ross, Ross, Ross. Tim thought to himself. You know what'll happen when Max finds out you took his shirt. Ha. Good luck, nerd.

When they arrived at the offices, they were greeted by an angry Barney. "HEY!" He shouted. "Yous dirts are late!" Tim shrugged, walking past him. Max rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He brushed coldly past Barney's shoulder with a hard shove. Barney stumbled slightly and scowled.

"What wrong with that dirt?!" He asked Ross, clearly annoyed. With another nervous blush, Ross shook his head quickly and slipped past a confused and frustrated Barney, heading to his studio.

Halfway through a recording of solo x-run, Max walked into Ross' studio, looking bored and glad to see Ross. "Hey." He greeted. Again, Ross felt heat creeping up his neck, and was unable to respond. Damn his social anxiety!

At this point, Max knew something was wrong. Ross had been unable to speak to him all day. This was not normal behavior. "Okay, Ross. What's up? You haven't talked to me all day."

Max wasn't sure if it was even possible, but it seemed that the shade of red on Ross' face got a shade darker.

"Yo! Are you okay?" Max asked, starting to get concerned. Ross suddenly burst, all the air coming out of his lungs at once and babbling out almost incoherent words.

"ImsorryImsorryMaxIstoleyourtshirtandIshouldnthavebutIdidohgodwillyoupleaseforgiveme?" He gasped for breath, stopping his stream of apologies for a moment, allowing Max time to get angry.

"Why?!" He shouted at Ross.

Tears suddenly pricked at the corners of his eyes, welling up in his eyes at an alarming rate and threatening to spill out onto his face.

"I don't know." He said truthfully.

A pang of guilt surged through Max. Damn it, he didn't mean to make Ross cry. That was the last thing he wanted. "Don't worry about it." Max grumbled. "Keep the shirt if you like it so much."

Ross' head shot up, looking incredulously at Max, the tears now spilling down his face in glimmering wet streams. "What?" He whimpered, not quite believing his ears.

"Keep the shirt, damn it. If you like it, you can have it." Max repeated, feeling heat rush up into his cheeks. What the hell?! Why was he blushing now?! This was so not o-fucking-kay.

Without warning, Ross sprang out of his chair and hugged Max tightly, throwing his arms around Max's shoulders and holding on for dear life. Confused, but comfortable, Max hesitantly returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around his friends waist.

"Thank you." Ross whispered.

Max blushed, but smiled anyway. Sure, he loved that shirt, it was his favorite shirt. But if it would make Ross happy, then he would gladly hand it over.

After what seemed like an eternity wrapped in each others arms, just enjoying the warmth of each other's embrace, they heard a small click by the doorway.

The two men whipped around to see Red, Adam, and Barney, grinning wide and holding up their phones.

Let's just say, that at the end of the day, Ross got a sweet t shirt, and the office was very... Interesting for the rest of that week.
I'm not really all that proud of this one. It was a bit rushed and boring. But whatever. I'm sure one of you sick bastards will enjoy it. I love you all. Thank you for reading my shitty stories and putting up with my otps and constant stream of Sky Media stories as of late. And as always, check out House_Owner

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