Merry Christmas!

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This is the Sky Media Christmas special! I've worked really hard on this and I hope we all enjoy it! Merry Christmas!


Adam breathed out a sigh, trying to exhale all of his nerves with the breath he released. No luck. He hadn't been this nervous since his first date back when he was a teenager. In his last act of bravery, he reached out and knocked on the door.

"I'm coming!" Called a voice from within. "Hold on!"

Adam waited patiently for Barney to come to the door. The door opened to reveal his friend's smiling face.

"Adam!" He said. "I'm so glad you could make it! Come on in! The party's just starting."

Barney pulled the door back and allowed Adam to walk through. Adam was in his ugliest Christmas sweater holding a stack of gifts for all of his friends. He could hear the sound of his friends laughter from the kitchen and the smell of something delicious hung in the air.

It was the office Christmas party.

Barney had been kind enough to host it at his house. Everyone was there. Even the people who didn't work in the offices anymore. James was pouring drinks. Red was pulling a tray of pigs in blankets out of the oven. Ross was helping Ross open jars of honey mustard and maraschino cherries. Jake was chatting merrily with Jordan. Everyone was having fun. Adam began to relax. Why had he been nervous in the first place?

Oh yeah. He thought, as he glanced over at Preston. That's why.

Preston was wearing a plain black sweater and some jeans. They were unusually tight jeans for Preston's fashion sense. Not that Adam was complaining. That ass was tantalizing. Preston noticed Adam staring and winked.

Fuck me up. Adam thought as he watched Preston walked over to get a mug of cocoa.

Ross chuckled, stirring a cocktail weiner through the honey mustard. "Oh Adam. You're gay."

Adam sighed, grabbing one of Ross' wieners and dipping it in the honey mustard. "I know."

"Not that that's an insult." Ross said quickly. "I'm pansexual myself. So, you want my advice?"

"I'll take any advice I can get." Adam said eagerly.

"Just tell him you like him." Ross said. "I didn't think I'd get Max until I admitted my feelings. You'd be surprised with how accepting they are."

Ross paused to wink. "Especially when you remove your clothes."'

Adam buried his face in his hands to hide his blush. "Nevermind. I'm good without the advice."

"Seriously Adam. Tell him. He likes you back."

"Really?" Adam perked up hopefully.

"Oh hell, Adam." Ross said, rolling his eyes. "It's so obvious. Everyone knows. If you pay so much attention to him, how have you not noticed?"

Adam shook his head. "I'm usually staring at his... Nothing. Just... I'm not paying that close attention."

Ross laughed. "Sure. Just get out of here. I'm going to try seducing Max with my hotdog eating skills."

Adam wandered off to talk to someone else. Tim.

"What up?" Tim said cheerfully.

"Preston." Adam hissed. "Does he like me?"

"Oh fuck." Tim sighed. "I got to deal with the gay shit between my roommates. And now you. Why am I surrounded by gay people all the time?"

"Stop hanging out with YouTubers." Adam suggested. "We're all gay. Seriously."

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