Barney x Max x Female!Reader

601 9 7

I don't think I've done this before. But it's about damn time.


The door clicked shut behind you, making the room dark. You heard someone fumbling for the light switch. Finally they flashed to light, revealing your boyfriends.

Max was sitting on the bed, watching One Punch Man. Barney was standing shirtless in front of the light switch. His face was bent in a smirk. His eyes were full of honey and unspoken promises. They regarded you in a lusty way, traveling down your body and resting on the curve of your breasts.

"Welcome back." He cooed.

"Uh, yeah." You said, trying to swallow. Your throat was suddenly very dry as his eyes traces the line of your hips.

He walked forward in two smooth strides and stood before you. His large hands wrapped around your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. You leaned into it and let his tongue dominate your mouth.your senses were flooded with John's natural musk. It was intoxicating. You breathed in deeply and reached up to grab at his cheeks. You used the leverage to pull his face farther into the kiss, and he was moaning into your mouth.

Just then, Max looked up at you two. He rolled his eyes. "Christ. Are you two going to get over here?"

Barney broke away to grin at his friend. "Jealous?"

Max growled. "Hell yeah I am! You're hogging her all to yourself! Get your fat ass over here, John."

Barney ignored the insult and willingly walked over. Your hand was held tightly in his, and you followed him. Max smiled at you and scooted closer to the edge of the bed. His arms were spread wide, inviting you in. You willingly fell into his embrace.

He brushed loose strands of hair out to your eyes while he rubbed your back. "Ugh. Babe, you are too pretty."

You blushed at his praise. He grinned at the sight. Then he started kissing you. Barney crawled up behind you and began sucking along your neck. You moaned as they overwhelmed you with kisses.

Together, the two of them made quick work of removing your clothes. You giggled as they argued about which way to twist your hips so they could take off your pants. Then Max struggled with your bra clip. Barney grumbled and swatted the redhead's pale hands away. John quickly undid the clasp and took away your bra. You blushed, realizing only now that you were naked in front of two (mostly) clothed men. They stared at you like they were starving to death and you were a free meal. John reached out and grabbed your chin, pulling you in for a kiss.

"You look amazing." He said. Max's hands trailed up the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. Pinching tiny bruises in along the way. You moaned as his fingers reached their destination and dipped into your vagina.

"She's wet." Max husked. "Who's taking her pussy?"

Barney grinned. "Who said we both can't fit."

Max rolled his eyes. "Oh hell no, I ain't sharing with your nasty ass. One of us is taking the vagina."

"I'll take her here." Barney said, pushing his fingers in alongside Max's. You shrieked at the sudden intrusion, grinding down on their hands. Barney smiled and nuzzles into the crook of your neck.

"Fine." Max said. "So what do you say, baby? You want me in your mouth, or in this pretty ass?"

You shuddered at the thought. You wished you could have him in both. But you decided on your ass. He stretched you out and lubed you up while Barney slid in through your dripping vagina.

"Ugh." You groaned. "You're thick, John. Is this a Turkish thing?"

He laughed aloud. Jostling his dick inside you and causing you to drag your nails down his back. "No. That's a me thing."

You moaned loudly when Max finally pushed in behind you. "Ooooooohh." You groaned, clenching down on them. "I'm so... Ugh, full."

You could feel them pressing up against each other through the walls of your vagina and your anus. They slid against each other and stimulated places in you you hadn't even known existed. It was all your could do to keep them both inside you as they slammed against each other trying to thrust.

Little moans escaped on gasps of breath while they fucked you into oblivion. Max bit down on your neck while Barney whispered filthy things in your ear. You felt blessed to be graced by two attractive men to sate your desires.

Max held onto your hips and licked the bruises he had left on your neck. "Are you enjoying this?" He asked.

It was all you could do to gasp a "yes" as Barney hit your g spot.

"Do you like having two cocks inside you?" Max asked, his nails biting into your skin.


"Do you love us?" He growled.

"Oh FUCK YES!" You screamed. "I LOVE YOU!"

He smiled, kissing your left shoulder blade. "Then cum for us." He whispered. "Show us that we make you feel good. Show us that we're the only ones who can make you feel this way."

Oh you did. You came so hard you nearly passed out. Your head rolled back to rest on Max's shoulder as they fucked you through your orgasm. They slowed down, trying not to hurt you as they finished up inside you. You enjoyed the shudders of aftershocks and the attention they gave you. Especially the way John kissed you when he pulled his softening cock out.

"You were incredible." He said.

"Yeah." Max agreed. "You're too good to us."

You just smiled at them. "I'm too good to you? Well... Then I guess you're going to have to make it up to me by doing that again after we have a nap together."

The two men laughed and lowered you down onto the bed between them. "Can do." Max whispered in your ear.

They certainly delivered about two hours later. And you had never felt so loved in your life.


Nobody asked for this. But it just....

It had to be done.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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