JinBar - Love is...

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Love is the little things. Writing him notes and putting them everywhere. Anywhere. On the bottom of his coffee mugs, on his keyboard, under his desk, on his door knob, on his monitor, in his lunch. Anywhere he'll find them just saying how much you love him and wishing him luck in his day.

Love is the silly things. Tickles and cuddles and jokes. No matter how bad they might be. Just laughing because you can laugh. Laughing because you love him so much. Because life is funny and bright when he's in it.

Love is the bad things. It's him holding you when you cry and seeing him after a long day. Finding comfort and seeing each other through the good times and the bad.

Love is kind. It's buying him something small because you know he'll like it or giving him a warm towel after a shower just to see him smile. Giving up something you want just because you know it would make him happy. Love is selfless and generous.

Love is fun. It's going out on a date just to pull pranks on your friends. Making cookies and eating all the dough before the oven is even done heating up. It's dancing at 3 am and waking up your roommates because you were laughing too loud. Enjoying time together.

Love is comfort. Understanding that no means no and you both have boundaries. It's being together and not even taking at all just to enjoy being alone together. It's seeing each other as they are. Love is honesty.

Jin has learned so much about love. Love is so many things he had never known before. The world has opened up and taken on a whole new meaning because he sees more and understands more. He can now look at the world with open eyes and greet it with open arms. Love has taught him so many things and given so much. Love is truly the most powerful thing in the world. The fairy tales didn't lie about that. And now, love is his to cherish and have, and that's all thanks to his wonderful, loving husband, the love of his life. Barney.
Yooooo, so, this be my second JinBar fic, but there's a reason for that. One of my readers wanted me to write some new content for their ship. They said it's a very rare ship cause nobody ships it. So I looked into the fandom and there's literally no content for this poor person. So here you go EljayRex there's another fic for this struggling ship. Hopefully, this one will pick up steam like my otp MithRoss did. I gotta say this isn't one of my better ones but I'm kind of bad with ideas. •_•

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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