MithRoss because fuck you

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Everyone in the offices knew that Max liked Nickleback. He didn't keep it a secret, he was too much of a loud "fuck you, I do what I want" kind of guy to keep what he liked to himself. Sometimes he played Nickleback music really loudly to annoy everyone, but sometimes, he did it just for himself.

I love you, I have loved you all along
And I miss you, been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore

Max sighed. This was one of those songs he only listened to when he was sad. Most Nickleback songs had a slow tempo and a heartbroken, longing feel with sad lyrics in them, but this was a song that cut down to his very core. Far away.

It was 1:36, he thought everyone was out on their lunch break. He had stayed behind with his Mac N' Cheese cups to catch up on all the editing he still had to do. So he was genuinely surprised when Ross leaned over his shoulder to look at his screen.

"Watcha doin, baka?" Ross asked his friend.

"Looking for the holy grail, what the fuck does it look like I'm doing?" Max responded bitterly. Ross ignored the stinging remark.

"You only listen to that song when you're sad." Ross said matter-of-factly. "Come on, what's up?"

"Nothing's up. Go away."

He was silent for a moment, standing behind the red head still as stone before reaching over and grabbing Max's phone.

"Ross, give me back my phone." Max growled, but his friend ignored him, typing in the password he knew all too well. Though Max was miffed that Ross would just take his phone without asking, he made no move to get it back. He had shit to do. After a few minutes of silence, a new song rang out of the speakers on Max's phone. Cheerful little electronic beeps and a chirping voice accompanied a girl singing in Japanese. He recognized the song immediately, Triple Baka by Hatsune Miku.

"Ross, turn my Nickleback back on." Max sighed.

"No." Ross said simply, setting the phone down on Max's desk before grabbing his hands away from the keyboard and pulling him to his feet. "You're going to dance with me."

"No, I'm not."

Again, Ross ignored his friends words, leading him with a little force into an energetic dance, which involved a lot of shoulder shrugging, sexy wiggles, and bouncing before he lifted Max's hand above his head, twirling him and then dipping him. Max blushed but laughed anyway. Sure he was still a little annoyed at Ross for just barging in and forcing him to dance with him, but it was kind of fun. Soon, he began to move with Ross instead of against him.

"Man, I should have put on the Weenie Butt remix." Ross muttered, more to himself than Max, but he laughed anyway. "Yeah, that would've been pretty great." Max agreed.

They stood there for a while, dancing to whatever song came on, all upbeat anime songs, some of which they did not recognize, just enjoying the flow of the music and moving with the beat. They lost track of time, minutes, hours, who cared? They were having fun.

Eventually, it came to an end when they collapsed to the floor, sweating and panting from exhaustion. It took them a moment to catch their breath, but once Max did, he turned his head to Ross, who lay beside him, panting and smiling at him. "I love you, ya big nerd." Max said to him.

"I know, I'm pretty great."

"You motherfucker."

Whoo! That was a good chapter. In case you were wondering, yes, that's actually a Nickleback song. Max got me curious about Nickleback and now I'm hooked on them. So now I know what it feels like to be made fun of for liking Nickleback. I also have a "fuck you, I do what I want" attitude. So you know what, Nickleback is a great band. Screw off.
I've also seen that a lot of people in this fandom hate on Max. Can you NOT? Max is a great person, the only reason he's such an ass is because people CONSTANTLY annoy him. The way he treats Ross and acts when he sees Mason proves that he can feel love despite what you fuckers say. Plus, I have a creepy obsession with his red hair. I don't care.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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