Blueney/Redney - Unconditional Love

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I've seen a few Redney fics where Red turns into Blue. And of course Barney is concerned and determined to help Red, but focuses on turning Blue back into Red. That really bothers me because I feel like if you love someone, you love all of them, good and bad. And trying to make Blue go away is like not accepting a flaw or seeing a part of Red as undesirable and unworthy. So in this fic Barney is going to love Blue and accept him and Red for who they are.


Barney sighed, holding Blue close as he soaked his shirt with tears. He only wished he knew why this happened. Whenever Red was overwhelmed with sadness or emotion, he would turn into Blue. There were a lot of unanswered questions about Blue. What was he? Why did Red have an alternative personality if he didn't have multiple personality disorder? Did Blue have a soul? Or did Red and Blue share a soul like they shared their body? And which one was the true Red? Or did he have an alternate form besides Red and Blue? Barney didn't know. It bothered him. He hated to see them like this.

Barney and Blue were sitting on the bathroom floor, Barney propped up against the side of the bathtub, holding Blue to his chest. He didn't even know what triggered Red to turn to Blue. Whenever he got like this, he became incapable of answering questions. All he could do was cry. Barney held him, rubbing comforting circles on his back. Humming and shushing him. "It's okay, it's okay Blue. Sh, I love you." He whispered.

Blue looked up, his eyes glistening with tears and sniffled. "Does Barney really love me?" He asked, sounding almost unbelieving.

"Of course I do." Barney said, tightening his arms around Blue. "You're part of Red, and I love all of Red."

"No, Barney." Blue shook his head. "Do you love Blue? Blue is not Red. Blue is... Different. Do you love Blue?"

Barney pulled back to look Blue in the eyes. They were dark and wide. He did look an awful lot like Red, but it wasn't hard to see that they were different. Red was always happy. Smiling and his eyes glistened with humor, not tears. Blue made Barney sad. His attitude was contagious. If Barney was being honest, he didn't know much about Blue. But Blue must like some things. Board games or cuddling or movies. Barney was determined to find something that would make Blue happy.

"Yes." He finally answered. "It's just that you're a bit overwhelming. You can be hard to handle and depressing to be around, but that doesn't mean I can't accept you for who you are. I want to see you more. Maybe we can find something that can make you happy."

Blue shook his head again, whimpering. "Blue is not happy. Blue doesn't like anything."

"You like me." Barney insisted. "I don't know if I make you happy, but you do like me. There must be other things you like. You just haven't found them yet. I want to make you happy. You've missed out on too much. And you deserve just as much love as I give Red."

He quivered, looking at Barney with such an intense look in his eyes. Then he leaned forward and without warning, he kissed Barney.

"Blue likes kissing." He whispered. Before Barney could say anything to him or even collect his thoughts, Blues eyes rolled back in his head and he fell forward. Slowly he faded from blue to indigo. Then violet, magenta, and finally red.

"Red?" Barney whispered shaking him lightly. Red's eyes fluttered and he sat up again. Staring at Barney incredulously.

"You..." Red stuttered. "You made Blue... Happy."

Barney's heart soared. Red looked confused and startled and overjoyed. With a shout, Red peppered his boyfriend's face with kisses. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" He kept saying.

Barney chuckled. "No problem." Hugging Red right.


-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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