Rossney - For the Fans

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Ross was vlogging for Adam again. For some reason, people wanted to see him once again on Sky Does Things. Not that he minded, it was nice to feel appreciated and wanted.

"Now we're going to read some comments. Of course, what would a Q and A be without a snuggie?" Ross soda to the camera as he tried (emphasis on tried) to put on his snuggie while looking into the camera lens. Eventually, he gave up and set the camera down momentarily to pull the snuggie over his shoulders.

"Alright!" Ross said, sitting in his office chair. "Q and A! Here we go!"

"Ross, do you ever plan to have a family?" He read with a quick glance at the screen of his phone. "Uum, yeah. Some of you guys might know that I have a niece and nephew. They're great. Love kids. I pretty much am one. Problem is in order to have kids I need a M'lady to have them with so no kids for now."

"The next question is; Ross, what is your favorite soda? Also you are a sloth. First of all, I'm not a sloth, and I think I have mentioned this before. I like Mountain Dew. You know, I gotta fuel my mlg 360 no-scoping powers."

"Ross, kiss Barney on camera ;)"

Ross looked directly into the camera lens with a face that said "I'm so fucking done" before saying: "Okay. Fine. Why not?" As he spoke, he got up and started walking out of his office and towards Barney's. "I'll just give you your fanfiction fuel. Have fun, give me something to read to Max and annoy him. I expect some good stories, guys."

"What the hells ares you doings?" Barney asked as Ross walked into his office.

"Kiss me Barney." Ross said dramatically.

"What?! Nos!" Barney shouted.

Ross pouted at him over the top of the camera. "Do it for the fans?" He suggested. Barney groaned and buried his face in his hands.

"Yous aren't going to leaving me alone untils I kissings you, ares you?"

Ross shook his head with a teasing smile. Barney sucked in a deep breath. "Okay. Gets over here, dirt."

He set up the camera on Barney's desk before placing his hands on each of Barney's armrests and leaning over him to look down at his scowl from above. With one last triumphant smile, Ross leaned down and closed the space between them.

Barney was pleasantly surprised by the kiss. It was soft and gentle, Ross' lips were soft and warm and molded into his own perfectly. He smelled like fabric softener, Taco Bell, and dandruff shampoo. Though it was a strange smell that Barney would have never thought as a good combination, it was rather appealing to him for some strange reason. His eyelids slid down and he leaned into the kiss.

Ross let out a content sigh through his nose, basking in the heat of the moment. It wasn't awkward of tense, it was pleasant and heartwarming. He felt Barney's lips grow warmer against his own and press closer in. He felt hands rubbing the back of his thighs in circles and found himself leaning further and further into the chair. Finally, Ross broke away for breath, face red and lips wet. Barney wasn't much better.

"Well, thanks for the kiss." Ross said as if saying "see you later." Then he picked up his camera and walked out of Barney's office, leaving him to his thoughts and feelings as he went back to his Q and A.
This was short. I'm so sorry about the lack of length, usually I strive for 1,000 words a chapter but I didn't know what else to do and trying to drag out the story simply for quantity over quality wouldn't have helped the story much. This is a story one of my readers wanted. They ship Rossney and this poor boy or girl or other gender/no gender pronoun has no one writing stories about their ship! I can understand that feeling, I truly have sympathy for those that have no content on their ships. So here you go insanity_inside_me hope you have more people writing stories about this ship for you.

-💕 Bubblegum 💕

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